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أخر المنشورات المضافة
Dr. Nacereddine Benabdallah (2023) Promoting The Pedagogical Pyramid Through A Technology-enhanced Efl Classroom: Teachers’ Perceptions. مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية , 8(2), 762-773, كلية العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية-جامعة العربي التبسي-تبسة |
Rafika HELAIMIA (2023) Is Green Hydrogen a Potential Sustainable Fuel?. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches , Volume 7(Copyright © 2023 IJA), pp. 149-159, 3, 2023, Dr. Umut Özkaya, Konya Technical University |
Rafika HELAIMIA (2023) From Food (Bread) waste to Bioethnol Producation. y All Sciences Proceedings , Vol. 1(), 51, All Sciences Academy |
Rafika HELAIMIA (2023) FROM CORK WASTE TO ELECTRICAL THERMAL AND HYDROGEN BIOENERGIES. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches , Volume 7(Copyright © 2023 IJA), , pp. 142-148, 3, 20, Umut Özkaya, Konya Technical University |
Rafika HELAIMIA (2023) CONDENSATION, DESALINATION, AND WATER RECYCLING TO ENCOUNTER WATER STRESS. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches , Vol. 1(International Confer), 31, All Sciences Academy |
Rafika HELAIMIA (2023) CLOUD COMPUTING IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: PROS AND CONS. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches , Volume 7, pp. 132-141, 3, 2023(ISSN: 2980-0811), pp. 132-141, 3, 2023, Dr. Umut Özkaya, Konya Technical University |
BOURAS Haron (2023) Probing Students’ Future Possible Self as a Motivator for Learning. Journal of Apuleius , 10(01), 374-385 |
Amel AFIA and Prof.Naouel Abdellatif Mami (2020) An ESP Course Design for Postgraduate Students of Engineering at Badji Mokhtar Annaba University in Algeria. International Journal of English Language Teaching- EA Journals UK , 08(01), 01-10 |
Dr. Nacereddine Benabdallah (2019) Exploring Grammatical Features of Informal Talk in English Literature. Apuleius , 6(2), 224-234, https://asjp.cerist.dz/en/article/97680 |
Dr. Nacereddine Benabdallah (2019) Techniques of University Work. Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University , |
wissam Haddadi (2015) The effectiveness of Mind-mapping in Promoting Learner Autonomy. Badji Mokhtar University Annaba |
Prof. Naima Hamlaoui and Dr. Nacereddine Benabdallah (2015) Discussion-Based Approach to English Language Teaching and Learning A Digital Dedicated Language Laboratory. Arab World English Journal , 2(Special Issue on CAL), 195-206, Arab World English Journal |