Research Lab Publications
[1] | Billel BOUALLAG and Nadjet BOUACHA (2024) Analysis of the behavior of structures under the effect of progressive rupture of a cavity. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica , 46(3), 244-258, Walter de Gruyter GmbH |
[2] | Nadjet BOUACHA (2024) Genetic Algorithm for the Analysis of the Stability of Retaining Walls. International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE) , 15(01), 76--86 |
[3] | Abdelghani Guechi, Mohammed Saaidia and , Nedjem-Eddine Benchouia (2024) Technical Analysis of a Proposed HVDC Transmission Line Between Hassi-Messaoud and El-Khroub in Algeria. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés , 57(5), 1397-1410,Scopus, iIIETA |
[4] | Nadjet BOUACHA, Abdesselam Bouguerra and Abdelhak BOUAFIA (2023) Improving the Resilience of the Road Network in Algeria: A Comparative Analysis of Flexible, Geosynthetically Reinforced, and Rigid Pavements. Sustainability , 15(19), |
[5] | Reda BOULIFA, Kamel GOUDJIL and SAMAI MED LAID (2023) A new simplified approach for predicting the bearing capacity of rectangular concrete four-pile caps. Engineering Structures , 293(116635), , ScienceDirect elsevier |
[6] | Boumediene Serbah, Maghnia Asmahane Bourabah, Joanna Eid, Salima BOUCHEMELLA, Moussaab Hariche, Nabil Abou-Bekr and Said Taibi (2023) VALORIZATION OF DREDGED SEDIMENTS FROM DAMS IN PAVEMENT DESIGN. Architecture and Engineering , 8(4), 99-117 |
[7] | Wacila Khoualdia, Oussama Derdous, Ali Bouamrane, Habib Abida and Mohamed Saber (2023) Climate variability and its impact on water resources: case study of the Souk Ahras Region, north-eastern Algeria. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , Volume 296(1944-3994/1944-3986), 296 (2023) 10–18, 2023 Desalination Publications. All rights reserved. |
[8] | karim NESSAIB (2023) Diagnostic et prédiction des défauts dans les systèmes industriels par réseaux Bayésiens. university of souk ahras |
[9] | Kamilia Boucenna, | Toufik Sebbagh and Nedjem-Eddine Benchouia (2023) Modeling, Optimization, and Techno-Economic Assessment of a Hybrid System Composed of Photovoltaic-Wind-Fuel Cell and Battery Bank. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA) , Vol. 56(No. 1), 29-34, Scopus, IIETA |
[10] | Salima BOUCHEMELLA and Said Taibi (2022) Effect of suction on the mechanical behaviour of unsaturated compacted clay-sand mixtures. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica , 44(3), 175–189, Sciendo |
[11] | Bilal SOLTANI and Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA (2022) VEHICLE EMBEDDED BY A FUEL CELL SYSTEM: A REVIEW. Algerian Journal of Engineering Architecture and Urbanism , 5(3 2021), 473-503 |
[12] | Abdelghani Guechi, Mohammed Saaidia and Nedjem-Eddine Benchouia (2022) An Overview Of Photovoltaic Power Plant (PV) Connection To HVDC Grid. DOI: 10.1109/SSD54932.2022.9955893,19th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 28 November 2022, , Setif,Algerie |
[13] | Bilal Soltani, Nedjem-Eddine Benchouia and Abdelghani Guechi (2022) Electricity production by renewable energies and its storage methods: a review. CURRENT TOPICS IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY , 24(), 1-17, Research Trends (Scopus) |
[14] | Hicham KAHLOUCHE, Abderrahim GHERIS and Mohamed GUENFOUD (2021) Characterisation of the chemo‑mechanical behaviour of clays polluted by BTEX: a case study of benzene. International Journal of Geo-Engineering , 12(1), 1-30, Spinger |
[15] | Dounia MRAD, Sabri DAIRI, Sofiane BOUKHARI and Yassine Djebbar (2020) Applied multivariate analysis on annual rainfall in the northeast of Algeria. Journal of Water and Climate Change , 11(4), 1165–1176, IWA |
[16] | Abderrahim GHERIS and Adam HAMROUNI (2020) Treatment of an expansive soil using vegetable (DISS) fbre. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions , 5(30), 1-17, Springer |
[17] | A. Guedri, M. A. Belyamna, R. Boutlidja and Y. Djebbar (2019) Interpretation of the effect of hydrostatic test in components working under pressure. Engineering Failure Analysis , 106(), , Elsevier |
[18] | M. A. Belyamna, A. Guedri and R. Boutelidja (2019) Reliability Analysis of a Pre-Cracked Structure in Accidental Operation Conditions. Key Engineering Materials , Vol. 820(), 188-202, Trans Tech Publications Ltd. |
[19] | A. Guedri, M. A. Belyamna and R. Boutelidja (2019) Impact of In-Service Inspection on the Reliability of Small Piping. Key Engineering Materials , Vol. 820(), 9-17, Trans Tech Publications Ltd. |
[20] | R. Boutelidja, B. Merzoug, A. Guedri and Y. Djebbar (2019) Effect of Corrosive Environment Conditions on Austenitic Structure Reliability. Key Engineering Materials , Vol. 820(), 60-74, Trans Tech Publications Ltd. |
[21] | Soltani Bilal and Nedjem-Eddine Benchouia (2019) Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Storage: Challenges Facing Vehicle Manufacturers.. Congrès International sur les Energies Renouvelables et le Développement Durable,ERDD , Monastir – Tunisie |
[22] | Bilal SOLTANI and , Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA (2019) Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Storage: Challenges Facing Vehicle Manufacturers. Journal Proceedings of Engineering & Technology -PET- ISSN: 1737-9334, , Vol. 51,2019.(PETRenewable Energy), 14-22, ipco |
[23] | N.BENCHOUIA, B.SOLTANI, B.MADI and M.SAAIDIA (2019) Commande vectorielle d’une machine asynchrone alimentée par onduleur à trois niveaux à structure parallèle //// Vector control of a three-level parallel structure UPS powered asynchronous machine. 5th International Conference on Maintenance and Industrial Safety CIMSI’2019 In 2-3 December 2019 , Université 20 aout 1955, Skikda, Algeria |
[24] | Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA, B. Soltani, B. Madi and Mohammed Saaidia (2019) Vector control of a three-level parallel structure UPS powered asynchronous machine. 5th International Conference on Maintenance and Industrial Safety CIMSI’2019 , Université 20 aout 1955, Skikda, Algeria |
[25] | Ahmed EL HAJJAR, Joanna EID, Salima BOUCHEMELLA, Tariq OUAHBI and Said TAIBI (2019) Retrait et fissuration des sols argileux par dessiccation. AJCE Special issue RUGC 2018 , 36(1), 624-628 |
[26] | Salima BOUCHEMELLA, Ahmed ELHAJJAR, Alexandre Verheecke, Hocine Serbah, Tariq Ouahbi and Saïd Taibi (2019) Etude du retrait empêché d’un matériau argileux en utilisant le ring test. AJCE Special issue RUGC 2018 , 36(1), 575-578 |
[27] | Olivier BORY, Salima BOUCHEMELLA, Thierry DUBREUCQ, Jean-Marie FLEUREAU, Jean-Jacques FRY and Said TAIBI (2019) CARACTERISATION DU CRITERE DE RUPTURE POUR UN REMBLAI NON SATURE EN CONDITION NORMALE D’EXPLOITATION. Colloque CFBR : « Justification des barrages : Etat de l’art et Perspectives», , Chambéry, France |
[28] | Dounia MRAD, Yassine Djebbar and Yahia Hamar (2018) Analysis of trend rainfall: Case of North-Eastern Algeria. JOURNAL OF WATER AND LAND DEVELOPMENT , 36 (I–III)(), 105-115, De Gruyter |
[29] | Serbah, B, Abou-Bekr, N, Salima BOUCHEMELLA, Eid, J. and Taibi, S. (2018) Dredged sediments valorisation in compressed earth blocks: Suction and water content effect on their mechanical properties. Construction and Building Materials , 158(conbuildmat.2017.10.), 503–515, ELSEVIER |
[30] | Sofiane BOUKHARI, Yassine Djebbar, Hocine Amarchi and Ali Sohani (2018) Application of the analytic hierarchy process to sustainability of water supply and sanitation services: the case of Algeria. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply , 18(4), 1282-1293, IWA Publishing |
[31] | Salima BOUCHEMELLA, Mohamed Younes AHMED, Hanene Souli, Said Taibi and Jean-marie Fleureau (2017) Effectiveness of electro-osmotic drying of an unsaturated clayey soil. 3rd International Conference on New Advances in Civil Engineering ICNACE 17 , HELSINKI, FINLAND |
[32] | Salima BOUCHEMELLA, Ibrahim Alimi-Ichola, Hocine Serbah and Said Taibi (2017) Comparaison entre une méthode dynamique et une méthode statique pour la mesure de la courbe de rétention d'un sol non saturé. Rencontres universitaire de Génie Civil RUGC 2017 , Nantes, France |
[34] | Wassila KHOUALDIA (2017) HYDROLOGIE. Université MCM Souk Ahras , |
[35] | Dr Gheris abderrahim (2016) Interaction between pollution of an aquifer by a chemical fertilizer plant, and integrity of underground constructions. 42nd International Congress of International Association of Hydrogeologists , Roma, Italia |
[36] | Salima BOUCHEMELLA and Ibrahim Alimi-Ichola (2016) Détermination de la variation spatio-temporelle de la teneur en eau lors d'une infiltration verticale en utilisant la méthode TDR. Annales du Batiment et Travaux Publics , VOL. 68 N°(ISNN 1270-9840), 17-24, Edition ESKA |
[37] | Salima BOUCHEMELLA, Ibrahim Alimi-Ichola and Ahcène Séridi (2016) Estimation of the empirical model parameters of unsaturated soils. E3S Web of Conferences Volume 9 (2016) 3rd European Conference on Unsaturated Soils – “E-UNSAT 2016” Paris, France, September 12-14, 2016, P. Delage, Y.-J. Cui, S. Ghabezloo, J.-M. Pereira and A.-M. Tang (Eds.) DOI: , |
[38] | Salima BOUCHEMELLA, Ibrahim Alimi-Ichola and Ahcène Séridi (2015) Etude expérimentale d'une infiltration verticale dans un sol non saturé en utilisant la méthode TDR. 3ème Colloque International des sols non saturés Unsat-Batna 16-17 Nov 2015; , Batna .Algérie. |
[39] | A. Guedri, D. Berdjane, S.Tlili and B. Merzoug et al (2015) Effect of different rolling schedules on the mechanical properties and microstructure of C Mn (V-Nb-Ti) pipeline steel. International Review of Civil Engineering , 6(4), 88–96, Praise worthy prize |
[40] | Allaoui Abdelhalim, Darsouni Abderazak and Guedri Abdelmoumene (2015) Prédiction de l’anisotropie des propriétés mécaniques des aciers micro-alliés par un modèle de régression neuronale généralisée. 2èmes Journées scientifiques Franco-Maghrébines : Caractérisation des Matériaux Complexes « JSFM-CMC », 10-13 Octobre 2015 , Annaba |
[41] | Allaoui Abdelhalim, Darsouni Abderazak and Guedri Abdelmoumene (2015) Analyse de l’anisotropie des aciers micro-alliés par régression neuronale. 2èmes Journées scientifiques Franco-Maghrébines : Caractérisation des Matériaux Complexes « JSFM-CMC », 10-13 Octobre 2015 , Annaba |
[42] | R. BOUTLIDJA, A. GUEDRI, B. MERZOUG and Y. DJEBBAR (2015) Etude de l’effet du milieu corrosif sur la fiabilité d’une structure en acier inoxydable austénitique. 3ème Conférence Internationale sur la Maintenance et la Sécurité Industrielle « C I M S I ' 2015 » 09 et 10 Novembre 201 5 , Skikda |
[43] | Dounia MRAD, Yassine Djebbar, Abida Habib and Sabri DAIRI (2015) Detection of trends and changes in monthly maximum daily rainfall in North Eastern Algeria. CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR L’HYDROLOGIE DES GRANDS BASSINS FLUVIAUX DE L’AFRIQUE , Hammamet-Tunisie |
[44] | Wassila KHOUALDIA, Yassine Djebbar and Hamar yahia (2014) Caractérisation de la variabilité climatique : cas du bassin versant de La Medjerda (Nord-Est algérien) |. Synthèse: Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie , Vol 29(2352-9717), 6-23, AJOL, Cellule Assurance Qualité CRSICT SNDL DOAJ ASJP SCOPUS |
[45] | Abderrahim GHERIS (2014) Mécanisme de détérioration des différentes pierres utilisées dans les monuments historiques de la province de Souk Ahras, en Algérie. Congrés Matériaux 2014 , Féderation Francaise des Matériaux, Montpellier, France |
[46] | Abderrahim GHERIS (2014) Détermination de la variabilité de l’humidité surfacique des sols par les techniques de télédétections. 1er Colloque International Sol, Eau et Environnement (CISEE’2014) , Université d'Annaba, Algérie |
[47] | Dounia MRAD, Sabri DAIRI and Yassine Djebbar (2014) Rainfall - Rain off Modeling Using Artificial Neural Network. ScienceDirect , APCBEE Pro(), 251-256 |
[48] | Wassila KHOUALDIA, Yassine Djebbar and Yahia Hammar (2014) Caractérisation de la variabilité climatique : cas du bassin versant de La Medjerda (Nord-Est algérien). Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie, Synthèse Univ-Annaba , 29(), 6-23 |
[50] | A. Guedri (2013) Effects of remedial actions on small piping reliability. Journal of Risk and Reliability, Proceedings of the IMechE (Part O) , 227(2), 144-161, Sage |
[51] | Abderrahim GHERIS (2013) Nanotechnologies et Nanomatériaux, vers un béton intelligent. Séminaire International sur le Batiment intelligent et développement durable , Ecole Nationale Polytechnique d'Oran, Oran, Algerie |
[52] | (2013) Protection des bassins versants des barrages. الملتقى الوطني الأول حول حوكمة المياه في الجزائر كمدخل لتحقيق الأمن المائي , المركز الجامعي لميلة |
[53] | Sabri DAIRI, Dounia MRAD, Yassine Djebbar and Y. Hammar (2013) LA VALORISATION DES EAUX USEES EPUREES DANS LA VALLEE DE MEDJERDA. association sientifique et technique pour l'eau et l'environnement /astee , Paris |
[54] | Dounia MRAD, Sabri DAIRI and Yassine Djebbar (2013) IMPACT OF CLIMATIC VARIABILITY ON THE WATER RESOURCES IN THE CATCHMENT SEYBOUSE. Seventeenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC17 , Istanbul |
[55] | A. Guedri (2013) Reliability analysis of stainless steel piping using a single stress corrosion Cracking Damage Parameter. Int. Journal of Piping and Pressure vessel , 111-112(2013), 1–11, Elsevier |
[56] | A. Guedri, Yassine Djebbar, Moe. Khaleel and A. Zeghloul (2012) Structural Reliability Improvement Using In-Service Inspection for Intergranular Stress Corrosion of Large Stainless Steel Piping. Applied Fracture Mechanics , InTech, DOI: 10.5772/48521. , ISBN : 978-953-51 , |
[57] | Sofiane BOUKHARI and Yassine Djebbar (2011) Les services d'eau potable et d'assainissement face aux exigences du développement durable, cas de la ville de Souk-Ahras. Séminaire d’Echange International « Aux Interfaces du Développement Durable » , Bejaïa |
[58] | A. Guebaili, Y. Djebbar, A. Guedri and S. Boukhari (2011) Rainwater harvesting in North Africa: A novel method for reservoir sizing. J. Mater. Environ. Sci. , 2((S1) (2011)), 469-472, ISSN : 2028-2508 CODEN : JMESCN |
[59] | Sofiane BOUKHARI, Yassine Djebbar and Hassoun Nadjar Nizar (2010) LA GESTION DURABLE DES SERVICES D’EAU ET D’ASSAINISSEMENT « CAS DE LA VILLE DE SOUK-AHRAS ». 1er Colloque International de l’eau – CIEAU 2010 , Univ-Annaba |
[60] | Abderrahim GHERIS, M.Meksaouine, A.Messaoudene and M.Megueddem (2010) Simulation numérique en 3D de l’impact de l’activité d’une unité de production de peintures sur la nappe phréatique de la ville de souk Ahras. 1er colloque international de l'eau CIE2010 , université d'Annaba |
[61] | Abderrahim GHERIS (2009) Impact de l’érosion sur l’infrastructure routière de la région de Hammam Tassa, Souk Ahras, Algérie. 10th International Meeting on Soils With Mediterranean Type of Climate , National Council for Scientific Reserarch, CNRS, Beirut, Lebanon |
[62] | A. Guedri, S. Tlili, Yassine Djebbar and B. Merzoug (2009) Reliability analysis of low alloy ferritic piping steels, B- Effect of both pre-service and in-service inspections. CAM2009, 16-19 Novembre2009 , BISKRA-Algérie |
[63] | A. Guedri, S. Tlili, Yassine Djebbar and B. Merzoug (2009) Reliability analysis of low alloy ferritic piping steels, A- Baseline case. CAM2009, 16-19 Novembre2009 , Biskra- Algérie |
[64] | A. Guedri (2009) Modélisation de la propagation de fissures par fatigue pour inspection en line des structures en acier 100% austénitique. CIMSD09, 08 - 09 Décembre 2009 , Tébessa, Algérie. |
[65] | A. Guedri, B. Merzoug and A. Zeghloul (2009) Improving mechanical properties of API X60/X70 welded pipeline. Revue Sciences & Technologie section B, ISSN-1111-5041; , 29(), 51-58 |
[66] | A. Guedri, B. Merzoug, Moe Khaleel and A. Zeghloul (2009) Reliability analysis of low alloy ferritic piping materials. Damage and Fracture Mechanics .Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials and Structures, Springer Netherlands , , ISBN : 978-90-481-2669-9 , |
[67] | Sofiane BOUKHARI, Yassine Djebbar and Habib Abida (2008) Juste prix de l'eau potable pour une gestion durable des ressources en eau en Algérie. COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL « TERRE & EAU 2008 » , Univ-Annaba |
[68] | A. Guedri, S.Tlili, B. Merzoug and A. Zeghloul (2007) An artificial neural network model for predicting mechanical properties of C Mn (V-Nb-Ti) pipeline steel in industrial production conditions. International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), ISSN: 1970– 8734, November 2007 , 6(1), 666-674, Praise worthy prize |