Electronic marketing for services is a vital area that is gaining increasing importance in the era of information and communication technology. With the growing reliance on the internet as a primary means of communication and interaction, organizations need effective marketing strategies that allow them to reach a wider audience and enhance their digital presence.
This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts and strategies of electronic marketing, focusing on how to promote services through digital channels. It covers various tools and techniques used in digital marketing, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing, as well as data analysis and performance evaluation.
This course will help students develop their skills in designing and implementing innovative marketing strategies that align with changing market needs and achieve tangible results. Through case studies and analysis of current trends, participants will be able to understand the challenges and opportunities presented by electronic marketing for services.
This course we will explore the following areas:
قانون الأسرة هو مجموعة القواعد القانونية التي تنظم العلاقة داخل أفراد الأسرة، ويطلق عليه أيضا مصطلح الأحوال الشخصية ويقصد به الأوضاع التي تكون بين الإنسان وأسرته وما يترتب عن هذه الأوضاع من حقوق والتزامات مختلفة.