Aligned with the new LMD programs, this teaching is intended for first-year university students in the fields of science and technology "ST," material sciences "SM,".

Electromagnetism is a fundamental branch of physics that studies the interactions between electricity and magnetism. This discipline is essential for understanding many natural and artificial phenomena, and it lies at the heart of numerous contemporary technological applications, such as telecommunications, electronics, energy, and many others.

In this course, we will explore in detail the fundamental principles of electromagnetism, starting with the mathematical reviews necessary for understanding the upcoming concepts. We will then move on to the three main chapters that make up this course: electrostatics, electrodynamics, and electromagnetism.

In the chapter on electrostatics, we will discuss the concepts of charges and electrostatic fields, as well as the laws and theorems that govern these phenomena, such as Coulomb's law, electrostatic potential, Gauss's theorem, and many more.

The chapter on electrodynamics will help us understand the behavior of electrical conductors, the laws governing the flow of electric current, such as Ohm's law and Joule's law, as well as the analysis of electrical circuits and the application of Kirchhoff's laws.

Finally, in the chapter on magnetism, we will explore the concepts of magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, and the laws that govern them, such as Faraday's law and Lenz's law. We will also address more advanced phenomena such as Lorentz and Laplace forces and their applications in coupled circuits.

By studying these concepts, we will gain a deep understanding of electromagnetic phenomena, which will allow us to analyze and solve a wide variety of problems in various fields of physics and engineering.

Dr. Louardi Yandjah