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لطفي زغادنيةأستاذقسم الهندسة المدنية كلية العلوم و التكنولوجيا جامعـــة ســوق أهراس سوق أهراس , 41000. الجزائر ![]() ![]() |
ملخص السيرة الذاتية
ولد الأستاذ الدكتور لطفي زغادنية في سوق أهراس ، الجزائر. حصل على شهادة مهندس دولة فى إختصاص الرى الحضرى وماجستير تخصص رى حضرى و منشأت الرى من جامعة باجي مختار -عنابة(الجزائر) في عامي 2003 و 2007 على التوالي.حصل على درجة الدكتوراه في علوم المياه (هيدروليك) من جامعة عنابة (الجزائر) في عام 2014. تحصل على التأهيل الجامعى في الهيدروليك (علوم المياه)(Habilitation à diriger des recherches) من جامعة بسكرة (الجزائر) في عام 2016 و أخيرا بروفيسور منذ 12/2020. تتركز اهتماماته البحثية على: التدفق في القنوات المفتوحة ، التدفق المضغوط داخل الأنابيب ، نظم إمدادات المياه ، نظم الصرف الصحي ، هيدرولوجيا فى الأوساط الحضرية, نوعية المياه. وهو مؤلف أو مؤلف مشارك لأكثر من 20 عملاً علمياً.المقاييس المدرسة
المقياس | المستوى | التخصص | |
Les écoulements à surface libre |
ماستر - S1 | الري الحضري | |
Les écoulements en charge |
ماستر - S1 | الري الحضري | |
Management et gestion des risques |
ماستر - S2 | الري الحضري | |
Modélisation et Simulation en hydraulique |
ماستر - S2 | الري الحضري | |
Hydraulique générale |
ليســـانـس - S5 | هندسة مدنية | |
ليســـانـس - S6 | تسيير المياه و الصرف الصحي | |
Pompes et stations de pompage |
ليســـانـس - S6 | ري |
المنشورات العلمية ( 46 )
[1] | Abdesselem Kabour and Lynda Chebbah (2024) Highlighting climate change by applying statistical tests and climate indices to the temperature of Kébir Rhumel watershed, Algeria. Theoretical and Applied Climatology , (), |
[2] | Said Kechida, Fares Laouacheria and Lotfi ZEGHADNIA (2024) Assessment of the combined efects of Manning roughness and DEM resolution for the water surface elevation prediction using the HEC‑RAS model: a case study of Moudjar River in the Northeast of Algeria. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment , 09(), 1-11, Springer |
[3] | Chebbah Lynda and Kabour Abdesselam (2023) Hydrochemical evaluation of spring’s water in Mila Wilaya, North-East Algeria. Water Practice & Technology , 8(7), 1617-1628, IWA Publishing |
[4] | Lynda CHEBBAH and Abdesselem KABOUR (2023) Détermination de l’expression optimale de l’évapotranspiration potentielle \"ETP\", pour la région limitrophe du barrage Béni Haroun (Est Algérien). Agriculture and Forestry Journal , 7(1), 16-26, Telemcen Univ |
[5] | Lynda CHEBBAH and Abdesselem KABOUR (2023) Characterization of leakage water flows in the subsoil of Beni Haroun dam by hydrogeological approach. ACTA HYDROLOGICA SLOVACA , 24(1), 14 – 23, Institute of Hydrology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences |
[6] | Kabour ABDESSELEM and Chebbah LYNDA (2023) Temporal evaluation of the Beni Haroun dam\'s (Algeria) raw water quality, through a literature review. Environmental Research and Technology , 6(3), 248−257, Yeldeiz Technical University |
[7] | Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Sofiane BOUKHARI, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Ahmed Salah ARAIBIA and Saliha BOURANENE (2023) Determination of the microbiological characteristics and traces of heavy metals in rainwater harvested in urbanized areas to develop their uses: Case study of downtown Souk Ahras, Algeria. Genetics & Biodiversity Journal , 07(01), 137-147, Telemcen University |
[8] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Imad BOUKHARI, Ali REZAIGUIA and Fares LAOUACHERIA (2022) Discussion of “Direct Solutions for Uniform Flow Parameters of Wide Rectangular and Triangular Sections” Ahmed A. Lamri; Said M. Easa, M.ASCE; Mohamed T. Bouziane; Mohammad Bijankhan; and Yan-Cheng Han. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0001583.. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering , 149(01), 07022021-1-3, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers° |
[9] | Saliha BOURANENE, Nora Sedira, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Abdelkrim GUEBAIL (2022) Kinetic Study of the Adsorption of Zinc and Copper Ions on to Activated Carbon Prepared from Date Pits. International Journal of New Chemistry (2022) , 09(01), 21-35, Iranian Chemical Science and Technologies Association |
[10] | Mohamed Amine BENSOLTANE, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Rihab HADJI (2021) Physicochemical Characterization of Drinking Water Quality of the Communal Water Distribution Network in Souk Ahras City/ Algeria. Civil Engineering Research Journal , 12(02), 1-6, JUNIPER |
[11] | Saliha BOURANENE, Khaled Djeffal, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Abdalhak Gheid (2021) Comparative study of leachate treatment by coagulation-flocculation process using iron-based coagulants: A case study on Souk-Ahras city. Journal of Applied Research in Water and Wastewater , 08(01), 71-76, Razi University, Iran |
[12] | Saliha BOURANENE, Ardjoune Amer Aouad, Abdeldjalil Gouassmia, Selma Djaber, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Abdelkrim GUEBAIL (2021) Study Of The Stability Of Water-In-Oil Emulsion Intended for the Extraction of Heavy Metals Application: Copper Ions. Jordanian Journal of Engineering and Chemical Industries , 04(02), 62-69, Al-Balqa Applied University |
[13] | Imad BOUKHARI, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Fares LAOUACHERIA, Ahmed Salah ARAIBIA, Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Jean Loup ROBERT and Lakhdar DJEMILI (2021) Design of Collection System Parameters Using Known Reference Pipe Method (KRPM). Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution , 18(03), 21-30, IOS PRESS |
[14] | Mohamed Amine Bensoltane, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Nesrine BORDJI, Gagan Matta and Saliha BOURANENE (2021) Drinking water quality assessment using Principal Component Analysis: Case study of the town of Souk Ahras, Algeria. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry , 64(6), 3069 - 3075, NIDOC (Nat.Inform.Document.Centre) |
[15] | Mohamed Amine BENSOLTANE, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Ahmed Salah ARAIBIA, Fares LAOUACHERIA, Dounia MRAD and Lakhdar DJEMILI (2021) Controlling water supply quality: case study of Souk Ahras City in Algeria. Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration , 6(01), 1-9, Springer |
[16] | Imed Boukhari, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Lakhdar Djemili and Jean Loup Robert (2020) Closure to “New Approach for the Computation of the Water Surface Angle in Partially Filled Pipes: Pipes Arranged in Parallel” by Lotfi Zeghadnia and Jean Loup Robert. JOURNAL OF PIPELINE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND PRACTICE , 11(04), 07020002, American Society of Civil Engineers-ASCE |
[17] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Jean-Loup ROBERT and Achour BACHIR (2019) Explicit Solutions For Turbulent Flow Friction Factor: A Review, Assessment And Approaches Classification. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Elsevier , 10(01), |
[18] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Bachir ACHOUR and Jean Loup ROBERT (2019) Discussion of “Accurate and Efficient Explicit Approximations of the Colebrook Flow Friction Equation Based on the Wright ω-Function” by Dejan Brki´c; and Pavel Praks, Mathematics 2019, 7, 34; doi:10.3390/math7010034. Mathematics , 7(3), 253, MDPI |
[19] | Mohamed Amine Bensoltan, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Lakhdar Djemili, Abdalhak Gheid and Yassine Djebbar (2018) Enhancement of the free Residual Chlorine Concentration at the Ends of the Water Supply Network: Case Study of Souk Ahras City-Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development , 38(VII–IX), , DE GRUYTER |
[20] | Noureddine ZENATI, Nabiha BELAHCENE, Asma REZAK, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Djelloul MESSADI and Ouahid BELKADI (2018) ORIGINE DE LA DEGRADATION DE LA QUALITE DES EAUX D’OUED MEDJERDA EN AVAL. REGION DE SOUK AHRAS. International Journal Of Environment & water , 7(2), 62-72, The Euro-Arab Organisation for the Environment, Water, and Desert Research |
[21] | Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Bouzian toufik, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Yassine Djebbar and Saliha BOURANENE (2017) Rainwater harvesting in Algeria: utilization and assessment of the physico-chemical quality Case study of Souk-Ahras region. Courrier du savoir , 23(Juin), 85-94 |
[22] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Jean-Loup ROBERT (2017) New Approach for the computation of The water surface angle in partially filled Pipe: Case of Pipes Arranged in Parallel. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice , 08(04), , ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) |
[23] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, lakhdar djemili, Larbi houichi and (2015) Efficiency Of The Flow In The Circular Pipe. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology , 08(02), , Science Alert |
[24] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Lakhdar Djemili and Larbi Houichi (2014) Analytical Solution for the Flow Velocity and Water Surface Angle in drainage and Sewer networks: Case of Pipes arranged in series. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology. , 04(01), 58-67, Inderscience. |
[25] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Djemili Lakhdar, Larbi Houichi and Rezgui nouredin (2014) New equation for the computation of flow velocity in partially filled pipes arranged in parallel. Water science and technology. IWA , 70(01), 160-166, The International Water Association |
[26] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, lakhdar djemili, larbi Houichi and Nouredin Rezgui (2009) Détermination de la Vitesse et la Hauteur Normale dans une Conduite Partiellement Remplie. European Journal of Scientific Research , 37(04), 561-566, Scientific Research Platform (SRP) |
Book Chapters
[1] | Mohamed Amine BENSOLTANE, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Ahmed Salah ARAIBIA and Lakhdar Djemili (2021) Assessment of the Bacterial Pollution in the Distribution Network/Case Study of Souk Ahras Town, Algeria. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2nd Edition). EMCEI 2019. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham. , Springer (Ed. ), ردمك : 978-3-030-51209-5 , |
[2] | Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Yassine Djebbar (2018) How Does the Rainwater Harvesting Protect the Urban Areas Against Flooding?. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions, Springer, Sham,P: 838-839 , Springer (Ed. Tunisia), ردمك : 978-3-319-70547-7 , |
[1] | Amarchi Amina, Amarchi Hocine, Moncef Chabi, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Fares Laouacheria (2023) Évaluation de la sécheresse à l\'aide d\'indices météorologiques dans une zone semi-aride: cas de l’extrême Est de l’Algérie. 4th International symposium ater ressources and environment impact assesment in north Africa (WREIANA 2023) , Sousse, Tunisia 26-28 April |
[2] | Imen Foual, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Fares LAOUACHERIA (2021) Improvement of the Explicit Approximations of the Colebrook Flow Friction Equation Using Wright ω-Function. the 4th Algerian Geoscience and Remote Sensing Spring School (4th AGR3S 2021) , University of Salah BOUBNIDER, Constantine 3 in Algeria, 10 to 14 July 2021 (4 days) |
[3] | Imen FOUAL, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Fares LAOUACHERIA and Imad BOUKHARI (2021) Enhancement of the computation of diameter in Turbulent flow pipe. the Third International Symposium Water Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment in North Africa (WREIANA 2021) , SFAX, Tunisia |
[4] | Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Ahmed Salah ARAIBIA (2020) Microbiological Characteristics of Roof harvested rainwater from urbanized areas: Case Study of Souk Ahras Downtown /Algeria. 3rd conference of the Arabian journal of Geoscience (CAJG) 2-5 Novembre , Sousse/Tunisia |
[5] | Imed BOUKHARI, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Lakhdar DJEMILI (2018) New Formula For The Computation of the Water Surface Angle in Partially Filled Pipe: Case of Pipes Arranged in Parallel. Eau–Environnement–Climat’2018 , Hammamet le 22, 23 et 24 Octobre |
[6] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA (2018) La réutilisation des eaux usées : une solution alternative pour limiter la pénurie de l’eau. Séminaire National Sur la Réutilisation des Eaux Dans le Développement Industriel. 25 Avril 2018 , Annaba Hôtel Mimoza Palace |
[7] | Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Yassine Djebbar (2017) Récupération des eaux de pluie, quel type de cuve appropriée pour le stockage des eaux récoltées ?. 3ème colloque international Francophone en Environnement et Santé : 23, 24 et 25 octobre , Dunkerque, France |
[8] | Abdelkarim Guebail, Toufik bouzian, Sofiane BOUKHARI, Yassine Djebbar and Lotfi ZEGHADNIA (2016) AN OVERVIEW ON THE QUALITY STORED WATER HARVESTING FROM THE HOUSES ROOFS. The 2nd ICIEM 2016, International Conference on Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable , Tunisie |
[9] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Sabri DAIRI, Abdelkrim GUEBAIL and Yassine Djebbar (2016) Design Method for High Efficiency of Flow in Circular Pipes. 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation , ATHENS, GREECE 14-16 September 2016 |
[10] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA (2015) Que sais- je sur l’eau et le développement durable?. Journée mondial de l'eau-22 Mars , Direction des ressources en eau, Souk Ahras |
[11] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Djemili Lakhdar and Rezgui nouredine (2013) NEW APPROACH FOR THE COMPUTATION OF FLOW VELOCITY IN PARTIALLY FILLED PIPES ARRANGED IN PARALLEL. Seventeenth International Water Technology Conference 2013 , November 5-7, Istanbul, Turkey |
[12] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Bachir Achour and Lakhdar Djemili (2011) CALCUL DE L'ECOULEMENT TURBULENT EN CHARGE DANS LES SYSTEMES HYDRAULIQUES. Séminaire National d’Hydraulique , Chlef, Algerie. |
[13] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Djemili Lakhdar, Larbi Houichi and Rezgui Nouredine (2010) DIMMENSIONNEMENT CONDITIONNE PAR DEGAGEMENT RAPIDE DU DEBIT DANS DES CONDUITES PARTIELLEMENTS REMPLIES. 1er Colloque international de l’eau 25 – 27 Octobre 2010 à Annaba , Annaba |
[14] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Djemili Lakhdar, Houichi Larbi and Rezgui nouredine (2010) Calcul de la vitesse dans une Conduite partiellement remplie. 5th Conférence International, WATER RESOURCES IN MEDITERRANEAN BASIN » WATMED 5 , Lille, France |
[15] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, djemili Lakhdar, Houichi Larbi and Rezgui nordine (2009) Explicitation du coefficient de frottement par la méthode du model rugueux de référence. Congre International sur l'eau, Déchets & environnement, 2eme édition, Union des pays de la méditerranée, , El jadida, Maroc. |
[16] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, and Bachir achour (2009) Calcul explicite du gradient de la perte de charge. Symposium Méditerranéen de Géo engineering , Alger |
Other Publications
[1] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA (2014) Contribution au dimensionnement d’un réseau d’assainissement en tenant compte de l’aspect stationnaire et non stationnaire de l’écoulement. Thèse de doctorat, Université Badji Mokhtar Annaba |
[2] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA (2007) Computation of the pressurized turbulent flow in circular pipe. Badji Mokhtar university - Algeria |