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مراد نحالأستاذقسم الهندسة الميكانيكية كلية العلوم و التكنولوجيا جامعـــة ســوق أهراس سوق أهراس , 41000. الجزائر ![]() ![]() |
المقاييس المدرسة
المقياس | المستوى | التخصص | |
Traitement du signal |
ماستر - S1 | صيانة صناعية | |
Moteur Electrique |
ماستر - S3 | صناعة ميكانيكية وتقنيات الانتاج | |
Traitement de signal |
ماستر - S3 | كهروميكانيك | |
Electrotechnique fondamentale 2 |
ليســـانـس - S5 | صيانة صناعية | |
electrotechnique appliquée |
ليســـانـس - S5 | صيانة صناعية | |
Gestion de la maintenance |
ليســـانـس - S6 | تسيير المياه و الصرف الصحي | |
Maintenance des systè- mes électromécaniques |
ليســـانـس - S6 | كهروميكانيك | |
Traitrment de signal |
ليســـانـس - S6 | صيانة صناعية |
المنشورات العلمية ( 11 )
[1] | Bilal Zerouali, Yacine Sahraoui, Mourad Nahal and Alaa Chateauneuf (2024) Reliability-based maintenance optimization of long-distance oil and gas transmission pipeline networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety , 249(), , Elsevier |
[2] | Khalil Abdi, Yacine Sahraoui, Nabil Kebaili and Mourad Nahal (2024) Self-Compacting Concrete Durability Assessment via Fuzzy-Logic and Bayesian Networks. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering , (), 1-21, Springer International Publishing |
[3] | Yacine Sahraoui, Mourad Nahal and Alaa Chateauneuf (2024) Optimal Inspection Planning for Corroded Pipelines Considering Repair Decision Error. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice , 15(2), , American Society of Civil Engineers |
[4] | Nahal mourad, Sahraoui yacine, Khelif rabia and Chateauneuf Alaa (2023) Reliability analysis of irregular zones in pipelines under both effects of corrosion and residual stress. Engineering Failure Analysis , 117(9), 177-188, Elsevier |
[5] | Nahal mourad, sahraoui yacine and Alaa chateauneuf (2023) System reliability of corroded pipelines considering spatial and stochastic dependency in irregular zones. Gas Science and Engineering , 117(), , Elsevier |
[6] | mourad nahal, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL and Rabia Khelif (2021) Numerical study for reliability assessment of a corroding pipe to flange weld joint over its lifetime. Engineering Review , 41(1), , Faculty of Engineering/Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, Vukovarska 58, 51000 Rijeka Croatia |
[7] | Nahal Mourad and Khelif rabia (2021) A finite element model for estimating time-dependent reliability of a corroded pipeline elbow. International journal of structural integrity , 12(2), 306-321, Emerald Publishing Limited |
[8] | Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, mourad nahal and Riad HAROUZ (2019) Development and Application of a Decision Making Tool for Fault Diagnosis of Turbocompressor Based on Bayesian Network and Fault Tree. Management and Production Engineering Review , 10(02), 16–24, Polish Academy of Sciences |
[1] | sahraoui yacine, Nahal mourad and chateauneuf Alaa (2023) Gestion de l\'intégrité des pipelines enterrés basée sur la fiabilité sous l\'effet combiné de l’encrassement et les pertes de métal. les journées de fiabilité des matériaux et structures, JFMS, , La rochelle, France |
Other Publications
[1] | mourad nahal (2023) Maintenance des équipements électromécaniques. Université de Souk Ahras , |
[2] | mourad nahal (2017) Polycopié de cours Electrotechnique fondamentale 2. Université de Souk Ahras , |