Within the framework of enhancing the university’s openness to its economic and social environment, and exploiting its diverse capabilities and capabilities in order to improve the national economy, create wealth and value the outputs of education, training, research and innovation, as well as within the endeavors of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research aimed at transforming knowledge into a marketable product through the establishment of economic subsidiary institutions in the form of a limited liability company (SARL) or a joint stock company (SPA).

In this context, professors who have a proposal for institutions that enable the university to develop service offers in the field of expertise, studies and consultations towards public and private administrative and economic institutions are kindly requested to submit their applications according to the form attached to the Vice-Rectorate of the University for formation in the third phase, university qualification, scientific research, and higher training in post-graduation, in order to study them and include them in the agenda of the next university board of directors meeting.

As a reminder, Souk Ahras University has obtained decisions to establish two subsidiary institutions of an economic nature, namely, respectively:

Algerian Foundation for Social and Human Studies, Consultation and Training – by Ministerial Decree No. 24 of February 15, 2023

Legal Services, Training and Arbitration Institution – by Ministerial Decree No. 25 of February 15, 2023.

Also, according to the Ministry’s directives, higher education institutions that guarantee training in the disciplines of architecture, civil engineering, urban technology management and engineering sciences must establish economic sub-institutions in the form of study offices, and economic sub-institutions may also be established in various other fields, provided that the objective of these institutions is in line with the field of activity of the university institution.


  • Application form for a subsidiary institution of an economic nature in Arabic and French
  • Related Laws



