Based on the instructions of the Ministry of Trustees for the adoption of free and open source software, all university users are required to migrate to the LibreOffice suite and save all files in open document format (ODF).

Text files are edited in LibreOffice Writer and saved as ODT.

Table files are edited in LibreOffice Calc and saved as ODS.

Presentation files / slides are edited in LibreOffice Impress and saved as ODP.

The LibreOffice suite supports reading and editing files edited in Microsoft Office. So after opening these files you should correct the format (formatting\formatage\mise en page) if necessary, and then save them in open formats ODF.

You must adhere to the use of fonts on the operating system and not download rare fonts to facilitate the exchange of files between the various administrative, scientific and pedagogical departments and to facilitate the saving of LibreOffice files in PDF format read on all systems. Amiri Arabic calligraphy is excluded from this rule because it is free, open source, beautiful, commonly used, and is present on most Linux distributions. For users of other systems, such as Windows Winwos, the Amiri font can be downloaded from its website:

Finally, you can learn more about LibreOffice through the documentation available at the following links or by searching for visual explanations of how to use LibreOffice or customize it to make its interface similar to Microsoft Office on well-known video sites (YouTube) using the name of the program.


Usage Documents (Arabic)

Documentation (French)

Office of Digitization Strategy