تنصيب أعضاء النادي العلمي ” الفلاحة المستدامة”
تم انشاء نادي علمي على مستوى معهد العلوم الفلاحية والبيطرية تحت اسم نادي الفلاحة المستدامة “sus Agri” وبإشراف الأستاذ عبد العزيز شليغوم وبمساعدة الاستاذ فلالي لطرش يهدف النادي اساسا الى […]
Institute of Agricultural and Veterinary Scienceshttps://www.univ-soukahras.dz/en/faculte/isav |
We would like to inform you that, starting from February 25, 2025, any teacher who has taught a module during a semester and uploaded it to the Moodle platform is eligible to request a distance teaching certificate. To do so, please use the National Online Course Expertise Platform, accessible through the following link: oce.umc.edu.dz/authentification/.
Please note that obtaining the certificate requires validation by the scientific council, once the module has received a grade of 50% or higher.
We encourage you to take advantage of this new procedure to officially recognize your contribution to distance education.
Institute of Agricultural and Veterinary Scienceshttps://www.univ-soukahras.dz/en/faculte/isav |