Faculty of Science and Technology


The “Marie Curie” scientific club,


Student Houam Bachir, a second-year Master’s student specializing in Mechanical and Industrial Automation, representing the “Marie Curie” scientific club, will participate in the specialized youth spring camp for university clubs under the slogan “Continuous Efforts for Effective Participation” in Algiers on May 1-4, 2024, organized by the Higher Youth Council.It is worth mentioning that the student has been one of the founders of the club for 3 years and has been responsible for media and communication for the club during this period. Additionally, he owns a startup and has been selected by a specialized committee in the national salon of innovations competition among the top 20 out of 400 Algerian students at the University of Constantine

Faculty of Science and Technology » University of Souk Ahras

Faculty of Science and Technology
