Department of Ecology and Environment |
Water and Environment - Doctorate
Head of Speciality :
Noureddine GUEZGOUZ
Head of Field : Moundji TOUARFIA
Head of Domain : Amina MERGHAD
- Introduction
- Academic objectives
- Research objectives
- Socioeconomic objectives
- PhD Board
- International members
- Labs
- Projects
- Theses
- Agreements
This doctoral training aims to train highly qualified skills and to participate in the strengthening of international projects in the field of the environment and the preservation of fragile ecosystems in agricultural regions under the threat of climate change.
Academic objectives
This doctoral training specialty thus complements the curriculum of the best students during their Master’s training. Indeed, this discipline devotes its attention to the potential of strengthening this fundamental training in all disciplines ranging from ecology, integrated natural resource management, bio-monitoring and the use of new technologies and artificial intelligence. This training aims to train doctoral students by specializing in various themes integrating the environment in international partnership with universities and laboratories in the northern part of the Mediterranean basin.
Research-academic objectives
The aim is to respond to the challenges posed by climate change, in the face of increasing exploitation of natural resources and pollution increasingly accentuated by economic activity. The objectives are:
- To present an aggregated view and analysis of the state of the natural environment, in particular the availability and quality of water resources and the nature of soils, through mapping tools, geographic information systems (GIS), dashboards, etc.
- To elaborate a general scheme of natural resources and the identification of potential sources of pollution while integrating the biological aspect through the involvement of bio-indicators endemic to the study area
- To develop a model for predicting water and soil pollution on a few study sites based on classical statistical models and the use of models (Artificial Neural Networks in particular),
- An environmental assessment based on an analysis of the nature of the planned activities and the assessment of their potential environmental impacts as well as their socio-economic effects on the study area.
- Finally, special attention will be paid to the integration of proven technologies to preserve fragile ecosystems. Conducting water quality analyses and diagnosing the state of pollution in the mining areas. This work naturally requires close collaboration with local resource managers as it requires an impact study on environmental health.
To this, we propose this specialty for a better efficiency of the researcher in the field, and which must conciliate the diagnosis of the disturbance with the diagnosis of the physiological response, because in all cases strong correlations exist between these two components, and the students applying for the Doctorate are already graduated in Master but show an important lack in the practical knowledge of ecology and environment.
Socioeconomic objectives: (in collaboration with a socioeconomic partner)
In the strategy of development of the border areas, the implementation of mega-projects in the regions of the Algerian North-East, namely the exploitation of the phosphate deposits of Oued Kebarit in the Wilaya of Souk-Ahras and the iron deposit of Ouenza in the Wilaya of Tébessa. The latter has become a desert, whereas the Oued Keberit area is still used for agriculture.
This doctoral training, as part of its action program, offers doctoral students training useful for their research project and for accompanying economic development through the evaluation of the current state of natural potential and the preservation of natural ecosystems against all threats linked to non-rational exploitation of the natural heritage, while involving new technologies such as geographic information systems, remote sensing and artificial intelligence to better understand the behavior of natural ecosystems with regard to risks linked to agricultural and industrial activity.
As well as the training necessary for the acquisition of a broad scientific culture. This multidisciplinary training should not only prepare PhDs for the job of researcher in the economic sector, industry and services but, more generally, for any job requiring the skills acquired during the PhD training.
In this multidisciplinary training, the graduate will have a solid scientific knowledge of ecological systems; of the action of environmental pollutants and their physico-pathological consequences, of natural resources and a good basis in epidemiology and environmental health risk assessment.
PhD Board
- Dr MENAA Mohcen , Department of Biology, University of Mohamed Cherif Messaadia; Souk-Ahras, Algeria; President, Head of Specialty.
- Pr MAAZI Med. Cherif; Department of Biology, University of Mohamed Cherif Messaadia; Souk-Ahras, Algeria. Membre.
- Dr GUEZGOUZ Noureddine, Department of Biology, University of Mohamed Cherif Messaadia; Souk-Ahras, Algeria, Head of Specialty.

- Pr GREIB Lessaad ; University of 08 Mai 1945 Guelma, Algeria. Membre.
- Dr DRAIAIA Radia, Department of Biology, University of Mohamed Cherif Messaadia; SoukAhras, Algeria, Head of Specialty.
- Dr AMRI Assia; Department of Biology, University of Mohamed Cherif Messaadia; Souk-Ahras, Algeria, Membre.
International Members
- Pr Giulia Guerriero; Department of Biology; University of Federico II; Naples; Italy.

- Pr Anna Demarco; department of pharmacy; University of Federico II; Naples; Italy.

- Pr Marwan Ghanem; University of Bir Zeit; Palestine.

- Water and Environment Sciences and Techniques Laboratory; Pr Ghid Abdelkak; university of Mohamed Cherif Messaadia; SoukAhras, Algeria.
- Ecology and ecotoxicology laboratory: Pr Anna Demarco; department of pharmacy; university of Federico II; Naples; Italy.
- Comparative Endocrinology laboratory: Pr Giulia Guerriero; Department of Biology; university of Federico II; Naples; Italy.
- Water and Environmental laboratory: Pr Mohamed Nouban; University of Bir Zeit; Palestine.
- PRFU : D00L02UN410120230001.
Author: Benradia Imen
Supervisor: Guezgouz Noureddine
Co-supervisor: Anna Demarco
Author: Nasri Khoula
Supervisor: Guezgouz Noureddine
Co-supervisor: Marwan Ghanem
Author: Benredjem Sarra
Supervisor: GHRIEB Lassaad
Co-supervisor: Giulia Guerriero