Department of Computer Science

Module: Apprentissage automatique II

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Find the nearest or most similar instance ?

0 votes

Given the following data for employees, Find the most suited employee to replace Ahmed considering all features

                    Age   Experience    Weight (grams)
Ahmed          34         6                89,000
Ali                 33          5                60,000
Tarek             50          2                90,000

Asked on 19:37, Thursday 31 Oct 2019 By Imed BOUCHRIKA
In Apprentissage automatique II

Answers (8)

Answer (1)

1 votes

Firstly we should normalize the data  using this formula

normalized_value = (current_value - min_value) / (max_value - max_value)

So the data will be:

 Age          Experience         Weight(Grams)

Ahmed       0.05              1                         0.96

Ali                0               0.75                        0

Tarek            1                  0                          1


Now we calculate the euclidean distance between (Ahmed,Ali) and (Ahmed,Tarek):

D(Ahmed,Ali) = 0.993

D(Ahmed,Tarek) = 1.37


So the most suited employee to replace Ahmed is Ali


Answered on 23:30, Thursday 31 Oct 2019 by abdennour redjaibia (282 points)
In Apprentissage automatique II

Answer (1)

0 votes

il is Ali

Answered on 23:24, Thursday 31 Oct 2019 by Ouahiba HANDEL
In Apprentissage automatique II

Answer (2)

-1 votes

1- Normalize the data,Apply the following formula :

Xnew =(x - Xmin ) / (Xmax - Xmin ).


So, the data will be as follows:

                     Age       Experience      Weight (grams)
Ahmed           0.05            1                   0.96
Ali                   0             0.75                   0
Tarek               1               0                     1

2-  calculate the Euclidean distance between employees:

D(Ahmed , Ali)= √ ((0.05 − 0 )2 + (1 − 0.75 )2+(0.96 − 0 )2 )= 0.99
D(Ahmed , Tarek)=√ ((0.05 − 1 )2 + (1 − 0 )2+(0.96 − 1 )2) = 1.37

So,the most suited employee to replace Ahmed is ALI.

Answered on 20:56, Friday 1 Nov 2019 by Mouhamed Salah Benkhalfallah (14 points)
In Apprentissage automatique II

Answer (3)

0 votes

  • Normalize the data :

                Age   Experience    Weight (grams)
Ahmed      0.05           1                     0.96
Ali                 0          0.75                    0
Tarek             1          0                        1

  • Calculate the Euclidean distance between:

         - (Ahmed,Ali)=> D(Ahmed,Ali)=√((0.05 - 0)^2 + (1 - 0.75)^2 + (0.96 - 0)^2)=0.99


         - (Ahmed,Tarek)=>D(Ahmed,Tarek)=√((0.05 - 1)^2 + (1 - 0)^2 + (0.96 - 1)^2)=1.37


=> Therefore, the most suited employee to replace Ahmed is : ALI .


Answered on 21:44, Saturday 2 Nov 2019 by Fateh Benkhalfallah (6 points)
In Apprentissage automatique II

Answer (4)

0 votes

*normalize the data:

X =(x - Xmin ) / (Xmax - Xmin )


                age       expiri      weight(g)

ahmed      0.05         1           0.96

ali                0          0.75         0

tarek            1          0              1

*Calculate the Euclidean distance between employes:

 D(Ahmed,Ali)=√((0.05 - 0)^2 + (1 - 0.75)^2 + (0.96 - 0)^2)=0.99


//The most suited employee to replace Ahmed is: ali







Answered on 19:05, Wednesday 6 Nov 2019 by
In Apprentissage automatique II

Answer (5)

0 votes

calculate the eclidean distance between(ahmed,ali)=0.99 and(ahmed,tarek)=1.37

the most suited employee to replace ahmed is: Ali

Answered on 15:42, Friday 15 Nov 2019 by
In Apprentissage automatique II

Answer (6)

0 votes

 Age          Experience         Weight(Grams)

Ahmed       0.05              1                         0.96

Ali                0               0.75                        0

Tarek            1                  0                          1

distance between ahmed and ali :

"normalized_value = (current_value - min_value) / (max_value - max_value)"

distance eucludienne :0.995

distance between ahmed and tarek : 1.372

Answered on 19:40, Monday 16 Dec 2019 by
In Apprentissage automatique II

Answer (7)

0 votes

 Age          Experience         Weight(Grams)

Ahmed       0.05              1                         0.96

Ali                0               0.75                        0

Tarek            1                  0                          1

distance between ahmed and ali :

"normalized_value = (current_value - min_value) / (max_value - max_value)"

distance eucludienne :0.995

distance between ahmed and tarek : 1.372

Answered on 19:40, Monday 16 Dec 2019 by
In Apprentissage automatique II

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