Department of Process Engineering |
Module: PT Biological treatment of wastewater/bioreactors
Lecturer | |
Information |
Master - Environmental process engineering
Department of Process Engineering Website : Semester : S3 Unit : UEM 2.1 Credit : 2 Coefficient: 1 |
Content | 1. Characterisation of wastewater : COD, BOD5, TOC, biogenic elements, toxic elements, etc. 2. Degradation in a cascade bioreactor 3. Monitoring of an activated sludge reactor (determination of operating conditions) 4. Monitoring the effectiveness of biological treatment: - Characterisation of sludge settleability: settling curve and sludge index - Microscopic and macroscopic visualisation of activated sludge and diagnosis of malfunctions. NB: It is recommended that at least six practical exercises be carried out, chosen from the different groups according to the resources available. |
Evaluation | Continuous assessment: 100% |