Center of Academic Publications |
Recent Publications
Mamoun Fellah, Naouel Hezil, Dikra Bouras, Aleksei Obrosov, Abdul Samad Mohammed, Alex Montagne and Sabine Weiß (2023) Structural, mechanical and tribological performance of a nano structured biomaterial CoeCreMo alloy synthesized via mechanical alloying. journal of materials research and technology , 25(S2238-7854), 2152 -2165, ُElsevier |
Zerouali Madiha, Daira Radouane, Dikra Bouras, Boudjema Bouzid and Régis Barillé (2023) Photocatalytic Degradation of Orange II by Active Layers of Ag-Doped CuO Deposited by Spin-Coating Method. Journal of Nano Research , 80(661-9897), 1-19, Springer |
Mohammed Rasheed, Maysoon MNM Saleem, Thorria R. Marzoog, Malaa M. Taki, Dikra Bouras and Israa A. Hashim (2023) Effect of caffeine-loaded silver nanoparticles on minerals concentration and antibacterial activity in rats. J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther. , 6(2)(616-4760,), 495-509, bsmiab |
Mohammed SAAIDIA, Abdelghani GUECHI and Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA (2023) Electricity transportation using HVDC technology for Algerian southern sun power plants.. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny , (8), 154-160., Scopus |
CHEFROUR AIDA and DRISSI SAMIA (2023) K-CAE: Image Classification Using Convolutional AutoEncoder Pre-Training and K-means Clustering. Informatica , 47(), 31-40 |
Said BOUKERCHE, Hana Ferkous, Amel Djedouani, Amel Seddik, Khadidja otmane Rachedi, Hamza Bouchouk and Berredjem Malika (2023) Anti-corrosion performance of dehydroacetic acid thiosemicarbazone on XC38 carbon steel in an acidic medium. Arabian Journal of Chemistry , 16(105061), , Elsevier |
Amarchi Amina, Amarchi Hocine, Moncef Chabi, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Fares Laouacheria (2023) Évaluation de la sécheresse à l\'aide d\'indices météorologiques dans une zone semi-aride: cas de l’extrême Est de l’Algérie. 4th International symposium ater ressources and environment impact assesment in north Africa (WREIANA 2023) , Sousse, Tunisia 26-28 April |
Toufik TOUIL and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2023) Analysis and Diagnosis of Control and Protection System of Gas Turbine Using the Fault Tree and Bayesian Network. Fourth International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICTAEE’23.) , Skikda University |
Samira Boumous, Zouhir boumous, Samia Latréche and Hamou Nouri (2023) Influence of the lightning arrester position on protection of the 220KV Overhead transmission line. PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY , 20232(N° 5), 13-17 |
Yacine Djeghader, Zouhir Boumous and Samira Boumous (2023) Investigation and Filtering of Harmonic Currents in Hybrids Renewable Energy System. PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, , R. 99(N° 1), 124-128 |
Abdelmoumene Hechifa, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Lotfi Saidi, Arnaud Nanfak, Ridha Kelaiaia and Mohammed El AmineSenoussaoui (2023) Improvement of Transformer Fault Diagnosis using Fuzzy Rule and Decision Tree Based on Dissolved Gas Analysis. 2023 1st International Conference on Renewable Solutions for Ecosystems: Towards a Sustainable Energy Transition (ICRSEtoSET) , Djelfa,Algeria |
Hamza Djizi, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL and Zoubir ZAHZOUH (2023) A Quadrotor Controlled in Real Time Using Hand Gestures and ROS2 Multi-Node Communication within GAZEBO 3D Environment. International Journal of Automation and Control , (), , Inderscience Enterprises, Ltd |
Hamza Djizi, Zoubir ZAHZOUH and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2023) Quadcopter Prototype Stability Analysis Using Matlab Simscape Library. The Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty , 22(02), 38-43, De Gruyter, Sciendo |
K. Rouibah, F. Z. Akika, C. Rouibah, H. R. Boudermine, S. Douafer, S. Boukerche and G. Boukerche (2023) Solar photocatalytic degradation of Methyl green on CuFe2O4/α Fe2O3 heterojunction. Inorganic Chemistry Communications , 148(1387-7003), 110361, Elsevier |
berraouna abdelkader (2023) Developing a New Conceptual Schema for the Business Process Component. 1stInternational Conference on Trends in Advanced Research , Konya, Turkey |
berraouna abdelkader (2023) “Developing a new model for context-awareness in ambient intelligence”. 13th WORLD CONFERENCE on INNOVATION and COMPUTER SCIENCES (INSODE-2023) University of Barcelona, Facultats de Filsofia, Geografia i Historia, , Barcelona, Spain |
Kamilia Boucenna, | Toufik Sebbagh and Nedjem-Eddine Benchouia (2023) Modeling, Optimization, and Techno-Economic Assessment of a Hybrid System Composed of Photovoltaic-Wind-Fuel Cell and Battery Bank. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (JESA) , Vol. 56(No. 1), 29-34, Scopus, IIETA |
Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Sofiane BOUKHARI, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Ahmed Salah ARAIBIA and Saliha BOURANENE (2023) Determination of the microbiological characteristics and traces of heavy metals in rainwater harvested in urbanized areas to develop their uses: Case study of downtown Souk Ahras, Algeria. Genetics & Biodiversity Journal , 07(01), 137-147, Telemcen University |
Abdelhamid GOUASMIA (2022) Qualitative properties of solutions for quasi-linear elliptic and parabolic problems : non-locality and singularity. l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Kouba, Alger |
Abdelhamid Gouasmia (2022) Nonlinear fractional and singular systems: Nonexistence, existence, uniqueness, and Hölder regularity. Math Meth Appl Sci. , 45(9), 5283-5303 |
Jacques Giacomoni, Abdelhamid Gouasmia and Abdelhafid Mokrane (2022) Discrete Picone inequalities and applications to non local and non homogenenous operators. Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A-Mat. , 116(100), |
MAABED ALA EDDIN (2022) Etude ab-initio (DFT) des propriétés électronique du graphène: Comparaison et prédiction. Université de Souk Ahras |
Derbal Roumaissa (2022) LES PARAMETRES PHYSIQUES DU NANOTRANSISTOR CNTFET. Université de Souk Ahras |
ATTIA Maroua (2022) Étude ab-initio des propriétés Structurales, Electroniques et Optiques du composé ZnTe. Université de Souk Ahras |
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