IT Services Centre

Module Syllabus : How to publish the evaluation method for students


This tutorial is aimed for university lecturers showing them how to publish the evaluation procedure for their modules. In case you work for the university of Souk-Ahras and you don’t yet have an account, you need to register at the following address:

To update your module syllabus, follow the steps below:

1 Click on the “Login” Link at the top navigation bar to access your private account.



2 Type in your email and password, Click “Login“.



3 Once you have logged in successfully, Click on the “Mes Modules” Link on the right sidebar


In case you don’t see the links for “My Account” menu on the right sidebar, You need to click the Link “My Account” link as shown below:



4 Next to the module you want to change, Click on “[ Syllabus (Eval) ]“:



5 Type in your evaluation method for the module including TP and TD if any, Click on the button “Sauvegarder” once completed



6 You can close the small window through clicking the red cross at the corner
