Vice-Rectorate of the higher education post graduation, university accreditation, and scientific research

Special Session of University Training Research Projects 2020 (PRFU Ex : CNEPRU)


Research Professors are hereby informed that the opening of a special session to present a new university training research project for the year 2020 will be until 10/10/2019. Those wishing to submit a new research project have to comply with the following:

– Design of the project and establishment of the research team should be according to the ministerial model attached to the announcement taking into account the criteria for the acceptance of projects (according to decree No. 02 of 20 February 2018) as well as the training doctoral projects accredited in the university.

– The project has to be submitted only to the Laboratory Council and in case it does not belong to a research laboratory, it will be studied at the level of the faculty’s scientific council or the scientific committee of the department.

– The deadline for submitting the projects hand in hand (paper copy) at the level of the university vice-rectorate for training in the third cycle, university habilitation, scientific research and post- graduation will be on 10/10/2019 for the organizational and administrative control. The project should be accompanied by:

* An original extract with the approval of the Laboratory Council or the Scientific Council of the faculty or the Scientific Committee,

* Certificate of non-affiliation to any research project for professors and doctoral students from other universities,

* Another grade decree for professors or a doctoral registration certificate for doctoral students from other universities.

P.S: The registration schedule of these projects on the electronic floor, devoted to this program, will be notified later.
