Centre des Publications Scientifiques |
Publications Récentes
Basma Ouarti, Maureen Laroche, Souad Righi, Mohamed Nadir Meguini, Ahmed Benakhla, Didier Raoult and Philippe Parola (2020) Development of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for the identification of lice isolated from farm animals. PARASITE , 27, 2020(Parasite), 1-14, EDP Sciences |
S.Salhi, F.Bouzebda-Afri, Z.Bouzebda, A.Djaout and H.Ouenes (2020) Study of the Biochemical Parameters of Pre-Slaughter Stress Response in Bovine Species in Algeria. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences , 8(http://dx.doi.org/10), 46-53 |
Djallel Eddine GHERISSI (2019) Ecophysiology on female camel ovarian function under extreme arid conditions.. 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI) , Sousse, Tunisia |
BOUGUERCHE Faiza, BOUAOUICHE Abderrahmene and BELHACENE Nabila (2019) ACTIVITE ANTIOXYDANTE DU FIGUIER DE BARBARIE (Opuntia ficus-indica). National Seminar of Biodiversity, Medical Biology and Environmental Ecotoxicology University of Skikda Faculty of Sciences Department of Natural Sciences and Life , University of Skikda Faculty of Sciences Department of Natural Sciences and Life |
MA Fares, DE Rahmoun and MA Lieshchova (2019) Rumen Protozoa of adult bovine during autumn in the east of Algeria. Theoretical and Applied Veterinary Medicine , 7(4), 223-228 |
MA Fares, DE Rahmoun and MA Lieshchova (2019) Anatomy of lymph nodes deep cortex in laboratory spices. Theoretical and applied veterinary medicine , 7(4), 251-256 |
Fares Mohamed Amine and Rahmoun Djallal Eddine (2019) Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Growth of Chicken Broilers in Algeria. Crimson Publishers Wings to the Research , 7(1), 611-612, Crimson Publishers Wings to the Research |
Djallal Eddine RAHMOUN, Mohamed Amine FARES, Farida BOUZEBDA-AFRI and Khadidja BEN DRISS (2019) AN ANATOMICAL AND HISTOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE RABBIT SPLEEN DEVELOPMENT IN THE POSTNATAL PERIOD IN ALGERIA. Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research , 9(Issue 2: 44-50; Marc), 44-50, SCIENCELINE |
S.Salhi,, F.Bouzebda-Afri,, Z.Bouzebda, A.Djaout and , H.Ouenes (2019) Study of the Biochemical Parameters of Pre-Slaughter Stress Response in Bovine Species in Algeria. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. , 8(http://dx.doi.org/10), 46-53 |
MAHIAOUI Houda, BOUAOUICH Abderrahmene, KRIM Meriem and BELAHCENE Nabiha (2019) Caractérisation phytochimique et propriété antioxydante des céréales (agroalimentaire) dans le tube digestif des rats. 1er Séminaire National de nutrition et santé (SNNS1) , Université HASSIBA BENBOUALI Chlef Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie |
Abdallah CHABBI, Asma Chermiti, Abdelmadjid Chouabbi and Mohamed Benyoussef (2019) The External Domain of Maghrebides Belt on the North–East of Algeria, Souk Ahras Segment: Definition of Structural Units, Block Structure and Timing of Thrusts Setting. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation , Springer , ISBN : 978-3-030-01455-1 , |
A. BOUAOUICHE and A. HEBILI (2019) GESTION DE LA PERFORMANCE ET LA REPRODUCTION CHEZ LA VACHE LAITÉIRE DANS DEUX FERME TIDJANI LAID ET YOUSFI TAYEB WILAYA DE SOUK-AHRAS ALGERIA. 30ème Congrès international des Sciences Biologiques et de Biotechnologie , Hôtel El-Mouradi Palace, Sousse – Tunisia |
Latreche Filali, Mohamef Benidir, Mechentel Elhadi, Abbas Khaled and Sbihi Sameh (2019) ASSESSING AGRO-ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY OF CEREALS-BASED CROPPING SYSTEMS IN SOUK AHRAS HIGH PLAINS (EAST ALGERIA). Agricultur and forestry , 65(1), 111-125, Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro |
BOUGUERCHE FAIZA, BOUAOUICHE ABDERRAHMENE and BELAHCENE NABIHA (2019) EFFET DES EXTRAITS DU FIGUIER DE BARBARIE (OPTUNTIA FICUS-INDICA) SUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DES LAPINS ORYCTOLAGUS CUNICULUS. VIIème congrès International de l’association Tunisienne de Biotechnologie et Valorisation des Bio-Ressources (AT-BVBR) organise son congrès international qui se déroulera du 20 au 23 Mars 2019 à l’hôtel Thabraca- Tabarka, TUNISIE. , Thabraca- Tabarka, TUNISIE |
Ouakli Nadia, Aouatif Belkhiri, Aida de Lucio and Pamela C. Köster (2018) Cryptosporidium-associated diarrhoea in neonatal calves in Algeria. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports , 12(), 78–84., Elsevier |
Faicel CHACHA, Zoubir BOUZEBDA, Farida AFRI, Djallel Eddine GHERISSI, Ramzi LAMRAOUI and Mouffk C H (2018) Body Condition Score and Biochemical Indices Change in Montbeliard Dairy Cattle: Influence of Parity and Lactation Stage. Global Veterinaria , 20(1), 36-47 |
Faicel CHACHA, Zoubir BOUZEBDA, Farida AFRI, Djallel Eddine GHERISSI, Ramzi LAMRAOUI, Amel Djaout and Mouffok C (2018) Effect of some blood metabolites on the conception risk of Montbeliard cows. Livestock Research for Rural Development , 30(5), |
Djallel Eddine GHERISSI, Farida AFRI, Zoubir BOUZEBDA and Xavier Bonnet (2018) Are female camels capital breeders? Influence of seasons, age, and body condition on reproduction in an extremely arid region. Mammalian Biology , 93(), 124–134 |
Djallel Eddine GHERISSI, Farida AFRI and Zoubir BOUZEBDA (2018) Seasonal changes in the testicular morphology and interstitial tissue histomorphometry of Sahraoui camel under Algerian extreme arid conditions. Biological Rhythm Research , 49(2), |
Khenenou Tarek, Berghiche Amine, Rahmoun Djallel Eddine and Berberis Abdelhak (2018) Morpho histological study of the spleen of broiler chickens during post-haching age. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry , 3(4), 22-23 |
Rahmoun Djallal Eddine and Fares Mohamed Amine (2018) Analytical Study of Pancreatitis in Dogs. Journal of Dairy & Veterinary Sciences , 6(2), 1 - 4, Dairy and Vet Sci J |
Bouledroua Rym, Youbi Sarra, Nahal Amir, Meguini Mohamed Nadir and Righi Souad (2018) Inventaire des poux des poulets fermiers dans deux régions du nord est algérien. Revue Algérienne des Sciences , 1(Revue Algérienne des), 37-40, Université d'EL Tarf |
Baha eddine BADOUNA and GUIDJOU Yasmine (2018) Besoins Énergétiques dans le Travail du Sol. Besoins Énergétiques dans le Travail du Sol (Méthode d’Évaluation) , NOOR PUBLISHING , ISBN : 978-620-2-34892-8 , |
S Sahi, F Afri-Bouzebda, Z Bouzebda and A Djaout (2018) Étude des mensurations corporelles de caprins dans le Nord-Est algérien. Livestock Research for Rural Development , 30 (8)(), |
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