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آمال بن سمشة (2018) اعتماد إدارة الكفاءات كمبدأ لتحسين عملية التوظيف بالمؤسسات. مجلة الروائز / باتنة1 , باتنة |
آمال بن سمشة (2018) سوسيولوجيا الحياة اليومية في ظل تعاليم السنة النبوية. المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الثاني للعلوم الاجتماعية والتربوية ress2 , أنطاليا/ تركيا |
Lamia BENZAID, Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA and Azzeddine BOUZAOUIT (2018) Elemental Analysis of Industrial Lubricants. International Seminar in Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics (ISIEAM'2018) , université 20aout955, skikda, algeria |
Issam Benouareth, Mourad Houabes and Khaled Khelil (2018) Fuzzy Logic Based P/Q Control Design for GridConnected Wind conversion System. ICWEAA , Algiers, Algeria |
K. Khelil, T. Bouadjila and F. Berrezzek (2018) Optimal Filtering of Wavelet-based Multiple Description Image Coding Using Correlating Transforms. SIVA18 , Guelma, Algeria |
F. Berrezzek, K. Khelil and T. Bouadjila (2018) Wind energy potential assessment of the region of Annaba-Northeast Algeria. ICTAEE18 , Skikda, Algeria |
Khaled Khelil, Tahar Bouadjila, Farid Berrezzek and T. Khediri (2018) Parameter extraction of photovoltaic panels using genetic algorithm. ICTAEE18 , Skikda, Algeria |
Imene SOUKAL (2018) التنوع الثقافي جدليات التواصل وإعادة بناء الهوية. مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية - جامعة الأغواط , |
Mohamed SOLTANI, Hafed ZARZOUR, Mohamed Chaouki Babahenini and Chaouki Chemam (2018) An Affective Tutoring System for Massive Open Online Courses. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT’18), Vol.1, Springer , Genoa , Italy & Hammamet, Tunisia |
Mohammed Saaidia and Messaoud Ramdani (2018) Hierarchical dictionary-based technique for face recognition system. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Application (AIAP'18) , El-Oued University. Algeria |
Yacine DJEGHADER, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL and Zoubir CHELLI (2018) Study the Harmonics Propagation in Electrical Grid Connected Photovoltaic System. The 3rd International Conference on Electromechanical Engineering (ICEE’2018) , 20 Août 1955 University, Skikda, Algeria |
eltayeb REZZAG, Sabrina BOUSSENA and Abdlmelk BENMKHLOUF (2018) Enquête épidémiologique sur la brucellose bovine dans la wilaya de Souk ahras. Abdlmelk BENMKHLOUF , Constantine |
Karim Nessaib and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2018) Improving the fault prediction in centrifugal compressors using a probabilistic approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on industrials Metrology & Maintenance (ICIMM’2018) , Ferhat ABBAS Sétif1 University, Algeria |
Karim Nessaib and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2018) Contribution to Fault Diagnosis in Centrifugal Compressors. The 3rd International Conference on Electromechanical Engineering (ICEE’2018) , 20 Août 1955 University, Skikda, Algeria |
Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Zoubir CHELLI, Yacine DJEGHADER and Mohamed Elfilali Ahmed Mahmoud (2018) Modélisation Bayésienne de la Fiabilité des Réseaux Electriques Moyenne Tension. The 3rd International Conference on Electromechanical Engineering (ICEE’2018) , 20 Août 1955 University, Skikda, Algeria |
Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Karim Kattab and Riad HAROUZ (2018) Application of Ishikawa Diagram for Faults Analysis on Cathodic Protection of Gas Network. The 3rd International Conference on Electromechanical Engineering (ICEE’2018) , 20 Août 1955 University, Skikda, Algeria |
Yesin Sahraoui, Atef Ghanam, Sofiane Zaidi, Salim Bitam and Abdelhamid Mellouk (2018) Performance evaluation of TCP and UDP based video streaming in vehicular ad-hoc networks. 2018 International Conference on Smart Communications in Network Technologies (SaCoNeT) , El Oued City, Algeria |
Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Riad HAROUZ and Fouad Tachi (2018) Une contribution à la prise de décision pour un meilleur management de la logistique. Journées du Management Opérationnel et de la Chaîne Logistique - JMOCL’2018 , Settat, Maroc |
Mohamed Soltani, Hafed Zarzour, Mohamed Chaouki Babahenini and Chaouki Chemam (2018) An affective tutoring system for Massive Open Online Courses. InternationalConference : SETIT'18 - Conference on Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, , Genoa italy & Hammamet, Tunisia. 18-20 December 2018 |
Imed BOUKHARI, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Lakhdar DJEMILI (2018) New Formula For The Computation of the Water Surface Angle in Partially Filled Pipe: Case of Pipes Arranged in Parallel. Eau–Environnement–Climat’2018 , Hammamet le 22, 23 et 24 Octobre |
Kaouther HAMAIDIA and Noureddine Soltani (2018) Evaluation d’un nouvel insecticide sélectif à faible risque environnemental (methoxyfenozide) contre les moustiques (Culex pipiens) : Activité ovicide et Adulticide. 7ème Colloque International Sciences & Environnement , 20-22 Mars 2018. Bizerte, Tunisie. |
Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA, Y.BELLARAGUEB, B.MADI and M.BENADJA (2018) Modeling a photovoltaic pumping system. International Seminar in Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics (ISIEAM'2018) , Université 20 août 1955-Skikda |
أ- مرزوقي سمير and أ-د نبيل كرفس (2018) فاعلية برنامج تربية بدنية مقترح لتنمية ةالمهارات الحركية الاساسية والصفات البدنية لتلاميذ المدرسة الابتدائية 9 سنوات. مجلة المنظومة الرياضية- الجلفة- , جامعة الجلفة |
بن محمد أحمد and لعياضي عبد الحكيم (2018) الرياضة في برامج الكرتون المعروضة في العالمين العربي والغربي. المؤتمر الدولي لعلوم الرياضة (28- 30 أفريل 2018) , جامعة زيان عاشور، الجلفة |
لعياضي عبد الحكيم and بن محمد أحمد (2018) دور الأسرة في اكتساب الأطفال للثقافة الرياضية خلال مشاهدة القنوات الرياضية. المؤتمر العلمي الدولي السابع: الرياضة والطفل. (25- 26 أفريل 2018) , جامعة آكلي محند أولحاج ، البويرة |
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