قسم الإعلام الآليhttps://www.univ-soukahras.dz/ar/dept/cs |
2 votes
what's the origin and meaning of the word et al. ? |
نشر على 15:23, الجمعة 6 ماي 2016 By Imed BOUCHRIKA |
أجوبة (5)
جواب (1)
1 votes
I think that when we cite a bibliography which contains more than one author we use ''et al "or "and others" |
نشر على 11:50, الجمعة 13 ماي 2016 by |
جواب (1)
0 votes
et alia: and others. It is used in formal writing to avoid a long list of names of people who have written something together |
نشر على 15:07, الجمعة 13 ماي 2016 by |
جواب (2)
0 votes
pour eviter le longueur de la liste des écriven |
نشر على 13:40, الأربعاء 8 مارس 2017 by |
جواب (3)
0 votes
quand on a ecrire un refference de plusieurs auteurs (plus 2 auteur ) on ecrit le nom de le pricipal auteur apres ,et al |
نشر على 16:14, السبت 21 ديسمبر 2019 by dalal lazoune (8 points) |
جواب (4)
0 votes
When we cite a bibliogaphy which contains more than one author we use et al or and other |
نشر على 23:16, الأحد 5 أفريل 2020 by Rahima Aitoubeli |