مركز المنشورات العلمية |
المنشورات حسب النوع - فصول كتب
Imed BOUCHRIKA, Nouzha HARRATI, Zohra MAHFOUF and Noureddine GASMALLAH (2018) Evaluating the acceptance of e-learning systems via subjective and objective data analysis. Software Data Engineering for Network eLearning Environments Analytics and Awareness Learning Services , Springer (Ed. ), ردمك : 978-3-319-68317-1 , |
Imed BOUCHRIKA (2018) A survey of using biometrics for smart visual surveillance: Gait recognition. Surveillance in Action Technologies for Civilian, Military and Cyber Surveillance , Springer (Ed. ), ردمك : 978-3-319-68532-8 , |
Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Yassine Djebbar (2018) How Does the Rainwater Harvesting Protect the Urban Areas Against Flooding?. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions, Springer, Sham,P: 838-839 , Springer (Ed. Tunisia), ردمك : 978-3-319-70547-7 , |
Sihem ARAIBIA (2017) منزلة العقل عند محي الدين ابن العربي. منزلة العقل عند محي الدين بن العربي , ألفا للوثائق (Ed. ), ردمك : 9789931484509 , |
Imed BOUCHRIKA (2017) On Using Gait Biometrics for Re-Identification in Automated Visual Surveillance. Developing Next-Generation Countermeasures for Homeland Security Threat Prevention , IGI-Global (Ed. ), ردمك : 978-1-522-50704-8 , |
Nouzha HARRATI, Imed BOUCHRIKA, Zohra MAHFOUF and Ammar LADJAILIA (2017) Evaluation Methods for E-Learning Applications in Terms of User Satisfaction and Interface Usability. Handbook of Research on Innovative Pedagogies and Technologies for Online Learning in Higher Education , IGI-Global (Ed. ), ردمك : 978-1-522-51852-5 , |
Imed BOUCHRIKA (2017) Evidence evaluation of gait biometrics for forensic investigation. Multimedia Forensics and Security Foundations, Innovations, and Applications , Springer (Ed. ), ردمك : 978-3-319-44268-6 , |
أ.د. بوبكر بوخريسة, أ.د. عبد الحميد بوقصاص, د. سفيان ساسي and أ. آمال بن سمشة (2016) تسيير ةتدبير الموارد البشرية. تسييير وتدبير الموارد البشرية , مركز الكتاب الأكاديمي / عمان (Ed. ), ردمك : ISBN 978-9957-35-149-5 , |
Abdelkrim AMIRAT, Antony Hock-Koon and Mourad Oussalah (2014) Paradigmes objet, composant, agent et service dans les architectures logicielles. Architectures logicielles : Principes, techniques et outils , Hermes-Lavoisier (Ed. Mourad Oussalah), ردمك : 978-274624 , |
A. Guedri, Yassine Djebbar, Moe. Khaleel and A. Zeghloul (2012) Structural Reliability Improvement Using In-Service Inspection for Intergranular Stress Corrosion of Large Stainless Steel Piping. Applied Fracture Mechanics , InTech, DOI: 10.5772/48521. (Ed. Alexander Belov), ردمك : 978-953-51 , |
A. Guedri, B. Merzoug, Moe Khaleel and A. Zeghloul (2009) Reliability analysis of low alloy ferritic piping materials. Damage and Fracture Mechanics .Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials and Structures, Springer Netherlands , (Ed. ), ردمك : 978-90-481-2669-9 , |
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