Department of Mechanical Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor
Head of Speciality :
mourad nahal
Head of Field : chaouki Moumeni
Head of Domain : Riad TOUFOUTI
Semester 1
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
Système de command |
Schéma électrique |
UED1 |
Science and Engineering Careers |
UEF1 |
Mathematics 1 |
UEF1 |
Physic 1 |
UEF1 |
Structure of matter |
UEM1 |
computer science 1 |
UEM1 |
PW Physic 1 |
UEM1 |
PW Chimic1 |
UEM1 |
Writing methodology |
Ethical and deontological dimension (foundations) |
UET1 |
international language: French and/or English |
Semester 2
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
-- |
TP Chimie 2 |
UED1 |
Science and Engineering Careers 2 |
UEF1 |
Mathematics 2 |
UEF1 |
Physic21 |
UEF1 |
Thermodynamics |
UEM1 |
PW Physic 2 |
UEM1 |
PW Chimic2 |
UEM1 |
Informatic 2 |
UEM1 |
Presentation methodology |
UET1 |
international language: French and/or English |
Semester 3
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
ud |
metrology |
ud |
Base of technology |
ud |
PW V-O |
UEF 2.1.1 |
Ondes & Vibrations |
UEF 2.1.1 |
Mathématiques 3 |
UEF 2.1.2 |
Electronique Fondamentale 1 |
UEF 2.1.2 |
Electrotechnique Fondamentale 1 |
UEM 2.1 |
Probabilités et statistique |
UEM 2.1 |
Informatique 3 |
UEM 2.1 |
TP Electronique 1 et Electrotechnique 1 |
UEM 2.1 |
TP Vibration et ondes |
UEM 2.1 |
Etat de l’Art du Génie électrique |
UEM 2.1 |
Energies et Environnement |
UET 2.1 |
Anglais technique |
uf |
math 3 |
uf |
waves and vibrations |
uf1 |
fluid mechanics |
um |
Probabilities and statistics |
um |
computer 3 |
um |
technical drawing |
um |
rational mechanics |
ut |
English language |
Semester 4
Semester 5
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
UED3.1 |
Electric power generation |
UED3.1 |
Electrotechnical materials |
UEF311 |
Power electronics |
UEF311 |
Electric machines |
UEF311 |
Mechanical construction |
UEF312 |
Thermal transfer |
UEF312 |
Servo Systems |
UEM31 |
PW Power electronics |
UEM31 |
PW Electric machines |
UEM31 |
PW Servo systems |
UEM31 |
Electrical diagrams and equipment |
UET3.1 |
Electrical Safety |
Semester 6
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
UE5 |
PW Technical thermodynamics |
UE5 |
PW turbomachinery |
UE5 |
PW Linear servo systems |
UE5 |
PW Automatism |
UED32 |
Maintenance of electromechanical systems |
UED32 |
Introduction to Internal Combustion Engine |
UEF321 |
Industrial regulation |
UEF321 |
Control of electromechanical drives |
UEF321 |
Sensor and measurement chain |
UEF322 |
Automation and industrial computing |
UEF322 |
Turbomachinery |
UEM32 |
Final study project |
UEM32 |
PW Regulation and Automation |
UEM32 |
PW Control of electromechanical drives |
UEM32 |
PW sensor and chain mesure |
Entrepreneurship and business management |