Department of Civil Engineering |
Geotechnics - Master
Head of Speciality :
Head of Field : Adam HAMROUNI
Head of Domain : Riad TOUFOUTI
Semester 1
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
UED 1.1 |
Hazard and geotechnical risk |
UED1.1 |
hydogeology |
UEF 1.1.1 |
continuum mechanics |
UEF 1.1.1 |
Advanced soil mechanics |
UEF 1.1.2 |
Foundations |
UEF 1.1.2 |
UEF 1.1.2 |
Applied geophysics |
UEM 1.2 |
Geotechnical testing and reconnaissance of site 1 |
UEM1.1 |
Programming complement(Python) |
UEM1.1 |
Experimental methods |
UET 1.1 |
Technical English and Terminology |
Semester 2
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
UED 1.2 |
Construction site management processes of geotechnical structures |
UED 1.2 |
Concepts on roads and works of art |
UEF 1.2.1 |
Mechanics of deformable solids |
UEF 1.2.1 |
soil dynamics |
UEF 1.2.2 |
Soil rheology |
UEF 1.2.2 |
Geostatistics |
UEF 1.2.2 |
earth dam |
UEM 1.2 |
Finite element method |
UEM 1.2 |
Geotechnical tests and site reconnaissance 2 |
UET 1.2 |
Ethics, deontology and intellectual property |
Semester 3
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
UED 2.1 |
Concepts on hydrotechnical structures |
UED2.1 |
Pathology of geotechnical structures |
UEF 2.1.1 |
Limit analysis and soil plasticity |
UEF 2.1.2 |
dynamic of geotechnical structures |
UEF 2.1.2 |
Tunneling and underground structures |
UEF 2.1.2 |
rock mechanics |
UEF 2.1.2 |
Road geotechnics |
UEm 2.1 |
Soil improvement |
UEM 2.1 |
Geographic Information Systems |
UEM2.1 |
Modeling of geotechnical works |
UET 2.1 |
documentary research and dissertation design |