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Ala eddine GHOUARSenior LecturerDepartment of Public Law Faculty of Law and Political Sciences University of Souk Ahras Souk Ahras , 41000. Algeria ![]() ![]() |
Personal data : Souk Ahras on: 23/01/2024First name: Ghouar Last Name: Ala Eddine
Institution: Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University, Souk Ahras
Employment date: 10/30/2011
Current rank: Lecturer -B- Since: 23/06/2019
Detailed specialty: International Criminal Law
Email: a.ghaouar@univ-soukahras.dz Phone number: 0661 39 22 00
• University degrees obtained:
1- Doctorate of Science in Private Law, specializing in international criminal law, Annaba University, dated: 06/23/2019.
2- Master’s degree, specializing in international criminal law, Souk Ahras University, 01/28/2010.
3- Bachelor’s degree, in Legal and Administrative Sciences, Souk Ahras University, 07/10/2005.
• Pedagogical tasks and activities:
First: teaching
• Lectures:
1- Scientific theft prevention measure, second semester, doctoral level, Law Division, specializing in administrative law, environmental law, civil law, Souk Ahras University, academic year: 2023/2024.
2- Scale of criminal liability for economic crimes, second semester, doctoral stage, Law Division, business law specialty, Souk Ahras University, academic year: 2020/2021.
3- Standard of private criminal law and the law of preventing and combating corruption, fifth semester, bachelor’s degree, specializing in private law, Souk Ahras University, academic years: 2023/2024, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020.
4- Criminal Procedure Law Standard, fourth semester, bachelor’s degree Souk Ahras University, academic years: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020.
• Directed works:
1- General Theory of Crime and Punishment Scale, third semester, bachelor’s degree, Souk Ahras University, academic years: 2023/2024, 2022/2023.
2- Introduction standard to legal sciences (theory of law), first semester, bachelor’s degree, Souk Ahras University, academic years: 2022/2023, 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020.
3- Introduction to Legal Sciences (Theory of Right), second semester, bachelor’s degree, Souk Ahras University, academic years: 2021/2022, 2020/2021, 2019/2020.
• Online lessons approved by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law:
1- Online lessons approved by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law on 12/09/2021 related to the standard of private criminal law and corruption crimes, directed to third-year students, fifth semester, for the bachelor’s degree program, specializing in private law, Souk Ahras University, during the academic years. : 2020/2021, 2021/2022.
Link to online lessons: https://www.univ-soukahras.dz/moodle/course/view.php?id=3145
2- Online lessons approved by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law on 12/09/2021 related to the Criminal Procedure Code standard, the fourth semester, for the Bachelor’s Degree Common Core, Souk Ahras University, during the academic years: 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022.
Link to online lessons: https://www.univ-soukahras.dz/moodle/course/view.php?id=2076
Second: Pedagogical activities
• The publication approved by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law:
- Publication of lectures approved by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Law on 10/31/2021 entitled: “Lectures on the Standard of Private Criminal Law and the Prevention and Combating of Corruption.” Link to the publication on the official website of the Souk Ahras University: https://www.univ-soukahras. dz/fr/publication/sdc
• Contributing to activities related to the university’s relationship with the economic and social environment:
1- Participation in the activities of the Virtual Court, University of Souk Ahras, on 09/05/2023.
2- Participation in local sessions on reforming and modernizing the higher education sector, as a rapporteur in the ninth workshop entitled “Continuous training and valuing the gains of experience, social demand”, which was conducted at the headquarters of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Souk Ahras University, on May 10, 2023.
3- Member of the committee to study the files of candidates for employment with the rank of Assistant Professor, Section B, Souk Ahras University, during July 2023.
4- Participation in the elections for professors of constitutional law and members of the Constitutional Court, which were held at the headquarters of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Souk Ahras University, on October 14, 2021.
5- Participation in the university’s open doors for holders of a baccalaureate degree in 2023, according to the hybrid in-person and virtual mode, Souk Ahras University, from July 15 to 18, 2023.
6- Participation in the university’s open doors for holders of a baccalaureate degree in 2022 according to the hybrid in-person and virtual mode, Souk Ahras University, from July 17 to 20, 2022.
7- Participation in the university’s open doors for holders of the 2021 baccalaureate degree remotely, Souk Ahras University, from July 24 to 26, 2021.
• Responsibilities related to pedagogical activities:
1- Assuming a senior position for a period of three years, subject to renewal, as Specialist Team Officer, Master of Business Law at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at Souk Ahras University, starting from 12/20/2021 until 09/12/2023.
2- President of the Deliberations Committee for the second year of the Master’s degree in Business Law, Souk Ahras University, academic years: 2022/2023, 2021/2022.
3- President of the Deliberations Committee for the first year of the Master’s degree in Business Law, Souk Ahras University, academic years: 2022/2023, 2021/2022.
4- President of the Pedagogical Committee for the second year of Master’s degree in Business Law, third semester, Souk Ahras University, academic years: 2022/2023, 2021/2022.
5- President of the Pedagogical Committee for the first year of a master’s degree in business law, first and second semesters, Souk Ahras University, academic years: 2022/2023, 2021/2022.
6- Head of the exploratory educational unit for the third year, private law, fifth semester, University of Souk Ahras, academic year: 2021/2022.
7- Participation in awareness-raising and orientation days for bachelor’s and master’s degree students at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Souk Ahras University , academic years: 2022/2023, 2021/2022.
8- Chairing the first committee of the Master’s Day held at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Souk Ahras University, on 03/21/2023.
9- Member of the committee charged with preparing the methodological guide for writing university notes and dissertations at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Souk Ahras University, academic year: 2021/2022.
10- Member of the Disciplinary Board, first class, of the Department of Basic Education, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Souk Ahras University, from the date: 03/07/2021 until now.
11- Member of the Question Formulation and Correction Committees for the Third Phase Competition, PhD, LLM, Law Division, Specialization in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences, Souk Ahras University, on: 03/25/2021.
12- Member of the Question Formulation and Correction Committees for the third-stage Ph.D. L.L.D. competition, Department of Law, University of Souk Ahras, on: 02/11/2023.
• Supervising the framing of the master’s notes:
1- Master’s thesis entitled: Legal protection of patents in Algerian legislation, prepared by the student: Ben Djebbar Mohammed, Souk Ahras University, academic year: 2022/2023, date of discussion: 06/21/2023.
2- Master’s thesis entitled: The legal nature of the patent in Algerian legislation, prepared by the two students: Bousaha Jihen and Aouinia Mroua, Souk Ahras University, academic year: 2022/2023, date of discussion: 06/20/2023.
3- Master’s thesis entitled: The Legal Status of Real Estate Merqi in Algerian Legislation, prepared by the two students: Dababsia Djamila, Afif Chaima, Souk Ahras University, academic year: 2021/2022, Discussion Date: 06/20/2022.
4- Master’s thesis entitled: “Fiscal crimes related to commercial companies in light of Algerian legislation”, prepared by the two students: Aidoudi Akila and Rahmoun Rania, Souk Ahras University, academic year: 2021/2022, date of discussion: 06/19/2022.
5- Master’s thesis entitled: “Crimes of commercial companies in Algerian law”, prepared by the two students: Djennaoui Yasmine and Mechantel Chaima, Souk Ahras University, academic year: 2020/2021, discussion date: 06/29/2021.
6- Master’s thesis entitled: “Legal Provisions for the Practice of Commercial Activities in accordance with Algerian Legislation”, prepared by the two students: Messouber Linda, Madi Asma, Souk Ahras University, academic year: 2020/2021, Discussion Date: 06/28/2021.
7- Master’s thesis entitled: “Criminal Protection of the Trademark”, prepared by the two students: Gueldesni Halima, Berkane Amel, Souk Ahras University, academic year: 2019/2020, Discussion Date: 09/22/2020.
• Scientific works and activities:
First: Publications in periodicals and scientific journals
- A scientific article titled “Preventing and combating corruption in Algeria between reality and prospects”, published in the Academy Review of Social and Human Studies, Hasiba Ben Bouali University, Chlef, dated: 06/19/2022, volume: 14, issue: 02, p. 298, 305.
Link: https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/article/195166
Second: Interventions in national forums
1- Participation in a scientific intervention entitled: “The tasks of the National Authority for Preventing and Combating Corruption between Reality and Prospects” within the activities of the National Forum entitled “The National Strategy for Preventing and Combating Corruption in Algeria - Reality and Prospects”, Souk Ahras University, on: February 27, 2021.
2- Participation in a scientific intervention entitled: “The nature of information crime and its types” within the activities of the virtual national symposium entitled “Information security and the digitization of the higher education and scientific research sector”, Souk Ahras University, on October 28, 2023.
3- Participation in a scientific intervention entitled: “Legal protection of technological innovation in the field of renewable energies” within the activities of the virtual national forum entitled “The role of national legislation in ensuring technological transformation towards the exploitation of renewable energies”, Souk Ahras University, on October 7, 2023.
Third: Contributing to the formation of a doctorate
- Participation in a training workshop for the benefit of doctoral students specializing in criminal law and criminal sciences entitled: “The Law of Preventing and Combating Corruption” organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Souk Ahras University on: 01/06/2022.
Fourth: Participation in organizing scientific events
1- Member of the Scientific Committee of the virtual international forum entitled “Investment between the requirements of development and environmental controls” organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Souk Ahras and the state office of the National Union of Algerian Doctors and Researchers in Souk Ahras, on March 18, 2023.
2- Member of the Scientific Committee of the virtual international forum entitled “Alternative Criminal Justice in National Laws and International Agreements” organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Souk Ahras, on: February 25, 2023.
3- Member of the Scientific Committee of the virtual international forum entitled “Arab Family Legislation between Demands for Amendment and Concerns for Substitution,” organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Souk Ahras, on April 14, 2022.
4- Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Forum entitled “Constitutional Institutions under the Organic Law for Elections in accordance with Order 21/01” organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Souk Ahras, on March 12, 2022.
5- Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Forum entitled “The Algerian Experience in the Field of Justice Reform: Achievements - Obstacles - Prospects” organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Souk Ahras University, on April 24, 2021.
6- Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Forum entitled “Illegal Immigration in Algeria - Challenges and Challenges,” organized by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the University of Souk Ahras, on April 10, 2021.
Fifth: Participation in scientific activities (experience,....)
- Reviewing a scientific article entitled: “Social care for prisoners in Algeria as a method of punitive treatment within the framework of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules)”, published in the Journal of the Researcher in Legal and Political Sciences, , experience report. Dated: 24/05/2020.
Sixth: Membership in scientific research laboratories
- Member of the “Legal Studies and Research in Light of Major Risk Challenges” laboratory, within the “Penal Measures in Light of Major Risk Challenges” team, approved pursuant to Ministerial Resolution No: 247 dated: December 11, 2022.
Seventh: Administrative tasks and responsibilities
1- Vice Dean for Post-Graduation, Scientific Research and External Relations, at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at Souk Ahras University, starting from 10/02/2023 until now.
2- Editor-in-chief of Al-Bahith magazine in Legal and Political Sciences from July 12, 2021 until the present day. It is a semi-annual peer-reviewed scientific journal. Link on ASJP platform: https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/848
Module | Level | Speciality | |
قانون الإجراءات الجزائية |
Bachelor - S4 | SC : Law & Politics | |
القانون الجزائي الخاص وجرائم الفساد |
Bachelor - S5 | Private Law |
Publication List ( 1 )
Other Publications
[1] | Ala eddine GHOUAR (2021) القانون الجنائي الخاص و الوقاية من الفساد و مكافحته. جامعة سوق أهراس , |