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Contribution à l‟étude de la biologie (croissance, structure morphométrique, reproduction et régime alimentaire) de l‟espèce du poisson Barbus callensis (Cyprinidés) dans le barrage Béni Haroun (l‟est Algérien) |
wahiba MOUAISSIA (2018) Contribution à l‟étude de la biologie (croissance, structure morphométrique, reproduction et régime alimentaire) de l‟espèce du poisson Barbus callensis (Cyprinidés) dans le barrage Béni Haroun (l‟est Algérien). University of Souk Ahras |

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This study is followed by the native species Luciobarbus callensis (Valenciennes, 1842) that has an important socio-economic value and aquaculture interest. Luciobarbus callensis (Valenciennes, 1842) is a synonyme of Barbus callensis (Valenciennes, 1842). This species is widespread in the Algerian rivers and dams. It was carried out on an annual cycle (from February 2015 to January 2016), where various aspects of fundamental interest for aquaculture, were addressed, by studying its morphometric, growth, reproduction and diet biology for the first time in the dam Beni Haroun (wilaya of Mila).
The work presented here comprises five essential parts. The first part will cover information on the physico-chemical quality of the water from our sampling site located in the north of the Grarem Gouga region (wilaya of Mila). The monitoring of the physicochemical quality revealed that the raw water from the Beni Haroun dam was conformed to Algerian standards with a very low level of pollution correlated with the results of the previous works. However, this quality remains influenced by climatic and anthropogenic factors.
The morphological analysis of L. callensis is characterized by sixteen morphometric criteria whose total metric parameters with respect to total length show a very significant correlation. In females, most of these traits (68.75%) have faster growth (allometry plus) than total length or cephalic length. Indeed, it is the isometric growth predominates in males (56.25%). The discontinuity of growth concerns only the diameter of eye and length of the anal fin in females. Sexual dimorphism characters are highlighted.
The third part deals age and growth using the direct method, scalimetry. This method showed 7 age groups (2+ to 8+ years) for females and population. However, only five age groups (2+ to 6+ years) was showed for males. Male Luciobarbus grow faster than females, which is rare in teleosts. The weight gain varies between the sex, it is majorant (b> 3) in females and combined gender and isometric (b = 3) in males. The longevity of females (18.75) is twice greatest to males (9.28).
The fourth part concerns the biology of reproduction during an annual cycle. Luciobarbus breeds only once in the year, between Mars and May. The sex ratio is in favor of females for the whole cycle of study. The liver cycle has been studied to obtain information on the metabolism of these fish. The analysis of the monthly evolution of the HSI for two sexes shows that it decreases while the RGS believes; this leaves help to reveal that L. callensis get the reserves necessary for its sexual maturation from the liver.
L. callensis is opportunistic. The feeding activity of this fish follows a seasonal rhythm; summer and autumn are seasons characterized by intense food activity (especially in September), however this activity decreases in spring and winter (a maximum value of the void coefficient was recorded in May). The food index shows that plant debris, debris fish and algae are largely dominant prey, reflecting the opportunism of this fish and its adaptation to the trophic conditions of the environment.
Keywords: Dam Beni Haroun, Luciobarbus Callensis, Morphometry, Growth, Reproduction and Diet.
Item Type: | Thesis |
Divisions: |
» Laboratory for Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems » Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life |
ePrint ID: | 1381 |
Date Deposited: | 2018-07-16 |
Further Information: | Google Scholar |
URI: | |
title={Contribution à l‟étude de la biologie (croissance, structure morphométrique, reproduction et régime alimentaire) de l‟espèce du poisson Barbus callensis (Cyprinidés) dans le barrage Béni Haroun (l‟est Algérien)},
author={wahiba MOUAISSIA},
school={University of Souk Ahras}
title={Contribution à l‟étude de la biologie (croissance, structure morphométrique, reproduction et régime alimentaire) de l‟espèce du poisson Barbus callensis (Cyprinidés) dans le barrage Béni Haroun (l‟est Algérien)},
author={wahiba MOUAISSIA},
school={University of Souk Ahras}