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Les organes lymphoides du dromadaire dans la Wilaya d\'el oues , Etudr anatomo-topographique et histo-cytologique |
Mohamed Amine FARES (2024) Les organes lymphoides du dromadaire dans la Wilaya d\'el oues , Etudr anatomo-topographique et histo-cytologique. Univ Of souk ahras |

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The lymphoid system of mammalsismorphologically and functionallydividedintotwodistinct parts : the primary or central lymphoidorgans, whichinclude the bonemarrowand thymus, and the secondary or peripherallymphoidorgans, whichincludelymphnodes, the spleen, and mucosa-associatedlymphoid tissues. The assigned objective ofthisthesisis to conduct a macroscopic and histologicalstudy of the lymphoid systemorgans of the dromedarycamel in the El Oued region of Algeria. The researchutilizesa combination of anatomy, histology, and cytology techniques to demonstrate themorphological, micro, and macro-anatomicalcharacteristics of the dromedarycamellymphoidorgans.The anatomical and histologicalstudy of the lymphnodes shows signs of a certainorientation of fusion intoconglomerates, indicating a unique structural adaptation. Themacroscopic and microscopic aspect of the dromedarycamel’s spleen issimilar to thatof othermammals, with the presence of ellipsoidal bodies highlighted in the spleenparenchyma of the dromedarycamel. The thymus islocated in the anterior part of theneck and iscomposed of twosymmetric or slightlyasymmetric lobes. Histologically,the two lobes are surrounded by a thin connective tissue capsule thatreflectsaround thevesselsentering the organ and emitsthin septa of connective tissue thatsubdivide thelobes intosmallincompletethymic lobules. Eachiscomposed of a dark cortical zone anda clearmedullary zone, consisting of immune cellsthatplay a crucial role in immunesystem development. The physiological involution of the thymus occurswithage andbecomes apparent around the age of 16 months.The bonemarrow, locatedwithin flat bones and in the epiphyses of long bones, especiallyin the femur, iscomposed of red and yellowbonemarrow and plays a crucial role inhematopoiesis, lymphopoiesis, and granulopoiesis. The resultsobtained in thisthesisprovide a significant contribution and a betterunderstanding of the dromedarycamelslymphoid system, which can alsobeused as references in the fields of immunopathologyandveterinaryanatomopathology.
Keywords : Anatomy, Bone Marrow, Dromedary, Histology, LymphNodes, Spleen, Thymus.
Item Type: | Thesis |
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» Institute of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences |
ePrint ID: | 5183 |
Date Deposited: | 2024-10-07 |
Further Information: | Google Scholar |
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title={Les organes lymphoides du dromadaire dans la Wilaya d\'el oues , Etudr anatomo-topographique et histo-cytologique},
author={Mohamed Amine FARES},
school={Univ Of souk ahras}
title={Les organes lymphoides du dromadaire dans la Wilaya d\'el oues , Etudr anatomo-topographique et histo-cytologique},
author={Mohamed Amine FARES},
school={Univ Of souk ahras}