Center of Academic Publications |
Publications by Year - 2009
A. Guedri (2009) Modélisation de la propagation de fissures par fatigue pour inspection en line des structures en acier 100% austénitique. CIMSD09, 08 - 09 Décembre 2009 , Tébessa, Algérie. |
A. Guedri, B. Merzoug and A. Zeghloul (2009) Improving mechanical properties of API X60/X70 welded pipeline. Revue Sciences & Technologie section B, ISSN-1111-5041; , 29(), 51-58 |
A. Guedri, B. Merzoug, Moe Khaleel and A. Zeghloul (2009) Reliability analysis of low alloy ferritic piping materials. Damage and Fracture Mechanics .Failure Analysis of Engineering Materials and Structures, Springer Netherlands , , ISBN : 978-90-481-2669-9 , |
A. Guedri, A. Zeghloul and B. Merzoug (2009) Reliability analysis of BWR piping including the effect of residual Stresses. International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), ISSN: 1970 – 8734, September 2009, Vol. 3, n. 5, pp.640-645 , |
MORAKCHI Houda, AYARI Adel, TAOK Mira, KIRANE Djamila and COCHET Nelly (2009) Characterization of Streptomyces strain SLO-105 isolated from Lake Oubeira sediments in North-East of Algeria.. African Journal of Biotechnology , |
AYARI Adel, BEAU Isabelle, BRUNET Jean Pierre, COTTE-LAFFITE Jackline, QUERO Anne Marie and SERVIN Alin (2009) Les conséquences de l’infection par le rotavirus sur l’adressage basolatéral des protéines dans les cellules épithéliales polarisées Caco-2.. Rev. Microbiol. Ind. San et Environn , |
Sofiane BOUKHARI, DJEBBAR Yassine and HASSOUN NEJAR Nizar (2009) Durable Management of the Water Resources in Algeria. The conference of Industry of Engineering Constructions, between Reality and Ambitions. 11 – 13 May 2009, , HOMS, Syria |
ZAABAT Mourad, AMRI Houda and H.BAUDRAND (2009) Rigorous Approach of the Planar Circuit. The Online Journal on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (OJEEE) , volume 02(issue 02), 255 - 258 |
M. Maamri, A. Gattal and Mohammed Saaidia (2009) Horizontally scanning laser beam for robot trajectory tracking. Conférence Internationale en génie-Electrique , Tébessa (Algérie) |
Imed BOUCHRIKA, Michela Goffredo, John N. Carter and Mark S. Nixon (2009) Covariate Analysis for View-point Independent Gait Recognition. 3rd IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics. , Italy |
Michela Goffredo, Imed BOUCHRIKA, John N. Carter and Mark S. Nixon (2009) Self-Calibrating View-invariant Gait Biometrics. Journal of IEEE Transaction Systems, Man, and Cybernetics B , 40(4), 997-1008, IEEE |
Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, djemili Lakhdar, Houichi Larbi and Rezgui nordine (2009) Explicitation du coefficient de frottement par la méthode du model rugueux de référence. Congre International sur l'eau, Déchets & environnement, 2eme édition, Union des pays de la méditerranée, , El jadida, Maroc. |
Zoubir DOGHMANE (2009) Les Methodes Modernes Pour L'activation Du Role Leadership admistratif. International Conference on Admnistrative Development Towards Excellence In Public Sector Performance , Institute of Public Administration - University Of King Faycal / Arabie -Saoudi - |
Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, and Bachir achour (2009) Calcul explicite du gradient de la perte de charge. Symposium Méditerranéen de Géo engineering , Alger |
Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, lakhdar djemili, larbi Houichi and Nouredin Rezgui (2009) Détermination de la Vitesse et la Hauteur Normale dans une Conduite Partiellement Remplie. European Journal of Scientific Research , 37(04), 561-566, Scientific Research Platform (SRP) |
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