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Mohammed SaaidiaMaître de Conférences ADépartement de Génie Electrique Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie Université de Souk Ahras Souk Ahras , 41000. Algérie ![]() ![]() |
Mohammed Saaidia obtained his B.Sc. degree in Electronics in 1991? his M.Sc. degree in signal processing in 1994 and his PHD degree in image processing in 2016 from the University of Annaba, Algeria. He worked as a lecturer at the Electrical Engineering Department within the university of Tebessa, Algeria from 1994 to 2012 then at the university of Souk Ahras. He was a research fellow within the IBISC laboratory at Evry-Val-d‟Essone university (France) between 2005 and 2007. His research interests are in signal processing, pattern recognition, face detection and recognition and face expression recognition. Recently, he is working on renewable energy systems and HVDC electricity transportation.Enseignement
Matière | Niveau | Spécialité | |
Electronique fondamentale 1 |
Licence - S3 | Deuxieme Annee : Automatique | |
Electronique Fondamentale 1 |
Licence - S3 | Deuxieme Annee : Electrotechnique | |
Electronique fondamentale 1 |
Licence - S3 | Deuxieme Annee : Électromécanique | |
Electronique Fondamentale 1 |
Licence - S3 | Deuxieme Annee : Electronique | |
Logique combinatoire et séquentielle |
Licence - S4 | Deuxieme Annee : Automatique | |
Logique combinatoire et séquentielle |
Licence - S4 | Deuxieme Annee : Electrotechnique | |
Logique combinatoire et séquentielle |
Licence - S4 | Deuxieme Annee : Électromécanique | |
Logique combinatoire et séquentielle |
Licence - S4 | Deuxieme Annee : Electronique | |
Informatique industrielle 2 |
- S6 |
Publications Scientifiques ( 25 )
[1] | Abdelghani GUECHI, Mohammed Saaidia, Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA and Bilal Soltani (2024) The overview of Non-isolated dc to dc converters. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny , 2024(6), 1-14, Society of Polish Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
[2] | Mohammed Saaidia, Abdelghani GUECHI and Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA (2023) Electricity transportation using HVDC technology for Algerian southern sun power plants. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny , 23(8), 154-160, Society of Polish Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
[3] | Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA and Mohammed Saaidia (2021) Optimization and reliability of the power supply systems of a compressor station. Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics , 02(), 54-63 |
[4] | Mohammed Saaidia, Narima Zermi and Messaoud Ramdani (2016) Fuzzy linear projection on combined multi-feature characterisation vectors for facial expression recognition enhancement. International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering , 9(4/5), 252-261, Inderscience |
[5] | Zermi Narima and Mohammed Saaidia (2015) Two Dimensional Principal Component Analysis (2DPCA) for Human Facial Expression Recognition. International Journal on Signal Processing and Imaging Engineering (IJSPIE) , 2(1), , NNGT |
[6] | Mohammed Saaidia, Narima Zermi and Messaoud Ramdani (2015) Multiple Image Characterization Techniques for Enhanced Facial Expression Recognition. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications , 384(2), 497-509, Springer |
[7] | Mohammed Saaidia, Sylvie Lelandais-Bonadès and Messaoud Ramdani (2012) Face localization using Skin and geometric characteristics. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition , (), |
[8] | Mohammed Saaidia, A. Gattal, M. Maamri and M. Ramdani (2012) FACE EXPRESSION RECOGNITION USING AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELS TO TRAIN NEURAL NETWORK CLASSIFIERS. International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications (IJNCAA) , (), |
[9] | Mohammed Saaidia, S. Lelandais, V. Vigneron and M. Bedda (2007) Face detection using Zernike moments. Evaluation by quantitative measurement creterion. WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing., Issue 2, Vol. 3 , (), |
[1] | Abdelghani GUECHI, Mohammed Saaidia and Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA (2022) An Overview Of Photovoltaic Power Plant (PV) Connection To HVDC Grid. 19th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD) , Sétif, Algeria |
[2] | Mohammed Saaidia and Ramdani Messaoud (2020) Coded hierarchical dictionary strategy for face recognition efficiency. 2nd International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCIS), Sakaka, Saudi Arabia, 2020 , Sakaka, Saudi Arabia |
[3] | Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA, B. Soltani, B. Madi and Mohammed Saaidia (2019) Vector control of a three-level parallel structure UPS powered asynchronous machine. 5th International Conference on Maintenance and Industrial Safety CIMSI’2019 , Université 20 aout 1955, Skikda, Algeria |
[4] | Mohammed Saaidia, Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA and Lekhmissi Derardjia (2019) HVDC electricity transportation technology: feasibility study (Algeria). International Conference on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems and Applications (ICSRESA'19) , Tebessa, Algeria |
[5] | Mohammed Saaidia, Talal Belhouchat, Nedjem-Eddine BENCHOUIA and Kaltoum Achibi (2019) One day ahead prediction of PV power production: case study of Oued-Elkebrit’s station (Algeria). International Conference on Sustainable Renewable Energy Systems and Applications (ICSRESA'19) , Tebessa, Algeria |
[6] | Mohammed Saaidia and Messaoud Ramdani (2018) Hierarchical dictionary-based technique for face recognition system. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and its Application (AIAP'18) , El-Oued University. Algeria |
[7] | Mohammed Saaidia and Messaoud Ramdani (2016) Multi-Feature Characterization Strategy for Face Recognition Efficiency. 4th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT-2016) , Hammamet, Tunisia |
[8] | Narima Zermi and Mohammed Saaidia (2016) Uniform Local Binary Patterns Approach for Human Facial Expression Recognition. 3rd International Conference on Embedded Systems in Telecommunications and Instrumentation (ICESTI'16) , Annaba, Algeria |
[9] | Narima Zermi and Mohammed Saaidia (2015) Enhanced Facial Expression Recognition using 2DPCA Principal component Analysis and Gabor Wavelets. International Conference on Automation Control, Telecommunications and Signals (ICATS'2015) , Annaba, Algeria |
[10] | Mohammed Saaidia, Narima Zermi and Messaoud Ramdani (2015) Enhanced facial expression recognition using multi-features and fuzzy linear projection. Second International Conference on Automation, Control, Engineering and Computer Science (ACECS'15) , Sousse, Tunisia |
[11] | Mohammed Saaidia, Narima Zermi and Messaoud Ramdani (2014) Facial Expression Recognition Using Neural Network Trained with Zernike Moments. Fourth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications in Engineering and Technology (ICAIET2014) , Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Malaysia) |
[12] | Mohammed Saaidia, A. Gattal, M. Maamri and M. Ramdani (2012) Face expression recognition using AR-BURG model and neural network. International conference on informatics and applications, ICIA2012, , Kuala Terengganu, Malysia |
[13] | M. Maamri, A. Gattal and Mohammed Saaidia (2009) Horizontally scanning laser beam for robot trajectory tracking. Conférence Internationale en génie-Electrique , Tébessa (Algérie) |
[14] | Mohammed Saaidia, Sylvie LELANDAIS and Messaoud RAMDANI (2008) Online Quality measurement of face localization obtained by neural networks trained with Zernike moments feature vectors. Image Processing, !theory, Tools and Applications –IPTA\'08 , Sousse (Tunisia) |
[15] | Mohammed Saaidia, S. LELANDAIS, V. VIGNERON and E.M. BEDDA (2007) Face detection by neural network trained with Zernike moments. The 6th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation (ISPRA\'07) , Corfu (Greece) |
[16] | Mohammed Saaidia, A. Chaari and S. Lelandais, V. Vigneron and and M. Bedda (2007) Face localization by neural networks trained with Zernike moments and Eigenfaces feature vectors: A comparison. AVSS 2007 , London |