Centre des Publications Scientifiques |
Fumigant toxicity of two Cineole-rich essential oils and their combinations for the control of Carpophilus hemipterus Linnaeus and Sitophilus oryzae Linnaeushttps://www.univ-soukahras.dz/fr/publication/article/4485 |
Soltani Abir, Aouadi Ghozlene, Yangui Islem, Haddadi Samia, Ben Gueayed Meriem, Boushih Emna and Mediouni Ben Jemâa Jouda (2020) Fumigant toxicity of two Cineole-rich essential oils and their combinations for the control of Carpophilus hemipterus Linnaeus and Sitophilus oryzae Linnaeus. Annales de l’INRGREF , 21(), 85-101 |

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