Centre des Publications Scientifiques |
Publications par Type - Conférences
Zoubir DOGHMANE (2015) The Need for Implementation And The Imperatives Of Transformation For Islamic Economics. International Congres On Islamic Economics And Finance , SAKARYA - UNIVERSITY / TURKEY |
Noureddine MEHREZ and Fadhila RAHMOUNI (2015) Economic importance of Ijara Sukuk. International Congress on Islamic Economics and Finance - Icisef , Sakarya Univesity |
Zine Ghemari and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2015) Une approche probabiliste pour la gestion des réseaux de distribution d’eau potable. La 3ième Conférence Internationale sur la Maintenance et la Sécurité Industrielle Skikda; le 09 et 10 Novembre 2015 , Skikda |
Narima Zermi and Mohammed Saaidia (2015) Enhanced Facial Expression Recognition using 2DPCA Principal component Analysis and Gabor Wavelets. International Conference on Automation Control, Telecommunications and Signals (ICATS'2015) , Annaba, Algeria |
Imed BOUCHRIKA (2015) On Evaluating the Scalability Aspect of Gait-Based Biometric Systems for Larger Population. IEEE Proc. 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT) , Algeria |
Abdelaziz LAKEHAL and Zine Ghemari (2015) Proposition d’une nouvelle formule d'accélération du mouvement pour l'accéléromètre. La 3ième Conférence Internationale sur la Maintenance et la Sécurité Industrielle Skikda; le 09 et 10 Novembre 2015 , Skikda |
Dounia MRAD, Yassine Djebbar, Abida Habib and Sabri DAIRI (2015) Detection of trends and changes in monthly maximum daily rainfall in North Eastern Algeria. CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR L’HYDROLOGIE DES GRANDS BASSINS FLUVIAUX DE L’AFRIQUE , Hammamet-Tunisie |
Mohammed BELLOUFI (2015) New Family of Conjugate Gradient method for optimization. 5ème Workshop International sur les Mathématiques Appliquées et la Modélisation « WIMAM’2015 » , Guelma (Algérie) |
A. Bouaouiche and M. S. Boulakoud (2015) Study and Melanocyte Adrenocorticotropic Effects on Sugar Metabolism and Immune Response in Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus. ICADS 2015 : 17th International Conference on Animal and Dairy Sciences , Berlin, Germany May 21 - 22, 2015 |
Mohammed BELLOUFI (2015) Global convergence of a new conjugate-direction method under the strong Wolfe-Powell line search. Journée scientifique sur l’analyse fonctionnelle, EDP et optimisation « AEO 2015 » , Université de Souk Ahras |
Gherari Manel, Abdelkrim AMIRAT and Mourad Oussalah (2015) Towards a Mobile Cloud Context_Aware middelware. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Khedidja Derdour and Mouss Hayet (2015) Printed digits recognition using multiple multi Layer perceptron classifiers and Hu moments. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Abdellah Rezoug, Dalida Boughaci and Amar Rezoug (2015) Stochastic Local Search combined with Simulated Annealing for the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Halima Djelloul and Salim Chikhi (2015) Combining Bat Algorithm with angle modulation for Graph Coloring Problem. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Fateh Boutekkouk and Okba Fartas (2015) Automatic generation of SysML diagrams from VHDL code. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Fouzia Anguel, Abdelkrim AMIRAT and Nora Bounour (2015) Comparison Study of Metamodels and Models Co-Evolution Approaches. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Afrah Djeddar, Hakim Bendjenna, Abdelkrim AMIRAT and Mourad Oussalah (2015) New approach for smart composition of mobile applications. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Djamel Saba, Fatima Zohra Laallam, Hocine Belmili and Abdelkader Hadidi (2015) Contribution to the design of a system of control-coordination between agent SMA to feed a load in a hybrid system with renewable energy. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Aissam Belghiat and Chaoui Allaoua (2015) Formalization of UML Communication Diagrams using π-Calculus. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Abdallah Meraoumia and Maarouf Korichi (2015) An Automated Ear Identification System Using Gabor Filter Responses. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Mohammed Saigaa and Abdallah Meraoumia (2015) Fusion of Multispectral Palmprint Images For Automatic Person Identification using Correlation Filter Classifier. Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , Souk Ahras, Algeria |
Sabrina AOUAOUDA and Mohammed Chadli (2015) Model Reference Tracking Control for Uncertain Takagi-Sugeno Systems subject to Sensor Faults. 9th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Safeprocess 2015, At Paris , France |
مديحة عتيق (2015) الأدب الأمريكي العربي وسؤال الهوية بين مدّ "الأمريكي وجزر" العربي. الممارسة الأدبية عند العرب والدرس المقارن , جامعة عنابة/الجزائر |
FADEL Djamel, DELLAL Abdelkader and BADOUNA Baha Eddine (2015) Conséquences de la pollution accidentelle par le pétrole brut sur certaines caractéristiques physico-chimiques et biologique d’un agro-écosystème. Symposium International: Société, Agro-Biotechnologie, Environnement et Développement Durable , Tiaret 27 - 29 Mai 2015 |
FADEL Djamel, DELLAL Abdelkader and BADOUNA Baha Eddine (2015) ENJEUX ET CONCEPT DES ESPACES VERTS DANS LE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE URBAIN : PROPOSITION D’AMENAGEMENT D’UN ESPACE VERT FORESTIER D’UNE VILLE DU NORD-EST ALGERIEN. Symposium International: Société , Agro-Biotechnologie, Environnement et développement Durable , Tiaret 27 -29 Mai 2015 |
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