CompSIC Conference Program : Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) , 29 April 2015
CompSIC Conference Program:

List of Accepted Papers

- An Automated Ear Identification System Using Gabor Filter Responses
Meraoumia Abdallah and Maarouf Korichi - Formalization of UML Communication Diagrams using π − Calculus
Belghiat Aissam and Allaoua Chaoui - Comparison Study of Metamodels and Models Co-Evolution Approaches
Fouzia Anguel, Abelkrim Amirat and Nora Bounour - Automatic generation of SysML diagrams from VHDL code
Fateh Boutekkouk and Okba Fartas - Printed digits recognition using multiple multi Layer perceptron classiers and Hu moments
Khedidja Derdour and Mouss Hayet - New approach for smart composition of mobile applications
Afrah Djeddar, Hakim Bendjenna, Abdelkrim Amirat and Mourad Oussalah - Combining Bat Algorithm with angle modulation for Graph Coloring Problem
Halima Djelloul and Salim Chikhi - Towards a Mobile Cloud Context Aware middelware
Gherari Manel, Abdelkrim Amirat and Mourad Oussalah - Comparison of two automatic seed generation methods for breast tumor detection using region growing technique
Ahlem Melouah - Face recognition using LBP & Bi-dimensional Subspace Analysis
Benouis Mohamed - Fusion of Multispectral Palmprint Images For Automatic Person Identification using Correlation Filter Classifier
Saigaa Mohammed and Meraoumia Abdallah - Stochastic Local Search combined with Simulated Annealing for the 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem
Abdellah Rezoug, Dalida Boughaci and Amar Rezoug - Contribution to the design of a system of control-coordination between agent SMA to feed a load in a hybrid system with renewable energy
Djamel Saba, Fatima Zohra Laallam, Hocine Belmili and Abdelkader Hadidi

The Symposium on Complex Systems and Intelligent Computing (CompSIC) will be held at the University of Souk Ahras, Algeria in April 29, 2015. CompSIC will be the most comprehensive meeting focused on the various aspects of advances in computer science and its applications. CompSIC will provide an opportunity for academic and industry professionals to discuss the latest issues and progress in the area of Computer Science. In addition, the symposium will publish high quality papers which are closely related to the various theories and practical applications in computer science and its applications. Furthermore, we expect that the conference and its publications will be a trigger for further related research and technology improvements.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Cloud Computing
- Multimedia systems and services
- Database and data mining
- Software engineering
- System modeling
- Web services
- Artificial intelligence
- Distributed algorithms
- Computer vision & Image Processing
- Information systems engineering
- Grid and scalable computing
- Embedded system and software
- Web and internet computing
- Verification and validation
- Networking and communications
- Mobile and ubiquitous computing
Important Dates:
- Paper submission : 07 March 2015
- Decision to authors : 02 April 2015
- Camera ready version : 10 April 2015
- Main conference : 29 April 2015
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through the easychair system at :
We solicit research and experience papers as well as research-in-progress in any of the technical areas listed under Scope and Topics. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, importance of contribution, soundness, evaluation, quality of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. The decision whether to accept or reject the paper will be based on the reviews and the consensus of the program committee.
Paper submissions may be up to eight pages in IEEE conference format. The conference templates (Word or LaTeX) can be downloaded from below:
Papers accepted and presented at CompSIC 2015 will be archived on the conference website and would be indexed by Google Scholar and other academic databases.
Honorary Chair : Zoubir Bouzebda
General Chair : Abdelkrim Amirat
Program Chair : Imed Bouchrika
Organization Chair : Djalel Chefrour
Program Committee:
Djemel Ziou, U. Sherbrook, Canada
Med Tayeb Laskri , U. Annaba
Mahmoud Boufaïda, U. Constantine
Farid Mokhati, U. Oem Bouaghi
Abdelhani Boukrouche, U. Guelma
Hayette Merouani, U. Annaba
Hakim Bendjenna, U. Tebessa
Djamel Meslati , U. Annaba
Kazar Okba, U. Biskra
Yahya Slimani, U. Manouba, Tunisia
Amine Abdelmalek, U. Saïda
Abdelkrim Abdelli, U. UST HB
Mourad Oussalah, U. Nantes, France
Merah El kamel, U. Khenchela
Kamal E. Melkemi, U. Biskra
Mostafa Ezziyyani, U. Tanger Maroco
Khouloud Boukadi, U. Sfax, Tunisia
Med Ridda Laouar, U. Tebessa
Salim Ghanemi, U. Annaba
Azeddine Bilami, U. Batna
Zakaria Elberrichi, U. Sidi Bel Abbès
Nora Bounour, U. Annaba
Noureedine Djedi, U. Biskra
Djamel Saidouni, U. Constantine
Chaouki Babahnini, U. Biskra
Hamid Seridi, U. Guelma
Salim Chikhi , U. Constantine
Labiba Souici, U. Annaba
Bachir Boucheham, U. Skikda
Yacine Lafifi, U. Guelma
Khireddine Kholladi, U. D’El-Oued
Fadila Atil, U. Annaba
Faïez Gargouri, U. Sfax, Tunis ia
Reda Med Hamou, U. Saida
Allaoua Chaoui, U. Constantine
Organization Committee:
Mohamed Soltani Tarek Abid Ahcen Mensria Youcef Gheraibia |
Nozha Harrati Samia Drissi Warda Dridi Nadia Benati |
About Souk Ahras
Numidian city of Thagaste, on whose ruins Souk Ahras was built and it was the birthplace of Saint Augustine of Hippo. Souk Ahras is situated in the extreme north east of Algeria sharing its border with Tunisia. Souk-Ahras is a landmark to many famous and touristic places such as the ruins of Madure and Khemissa. The town has a beautiful city centre with many shopping places as well as leisure centres.
Access Information
By road, follow the RN16 leading to Annaba. For people travelling by air, Annaba Airport is the nearest one.
Contact Details
For further information or questions, you can email the conference secretary at: