Department of Process Engineering |
Module: Atmospheric Pollution
Lecturer | Youcef HAMLAOUI |
Information |
Master - Environmental process engineering
Department of Process Engineering Website : Semester : S1 Unit : UEF 1.1.1 Credit : 4 Coefficient: 2 |
Content | 1- Introduction Chemical composition of the Earth\'s atmosphere, changes in concentrations, residence times of chemical species, vertical division of the atmosphere (layers, temperature and pressure gradients). 2- General information on atmospheric pollution: Air pollutants, regulated and unregulated, units for expressing the concentration of pollutants, conversion between gravimetric and volumetric units, emission standards (Algerian and WHO). 3- Sources and effects of air pollution: Anthropogenic sources (transport, industry, energy) and natural sources (volcanism, lightning, pollens, etc.). Effects (on health, plants and materials). 4- Atmospheric aerosols: General information, composition, formation processes, primary and secondary aerosols, aerosol standards, atmospheric chemistry in the aqueous phase, application to acid rain, techniques for sampling and analysing atmospheric aerosols. 5- Ozone pollution and its precursors Tropospheric ozone, ozone precursors, mechanisms of tropospheric ozone formation, effects of tropospheric ozone and its precursors, O3 sampling and analysis techniques. 6- Atmospheric and tropospheric chemistry Elements of kinetics and photochemistry, radical mechanisms, lifetimes and half-lives, photolysis, tropospheric chemistry. Stratospheric ozone: sources of ozone, catalytic cycles (NOx, ClOx), mechanisms of O3 destruction at high latitudes (ozone hole). 7-. Meteorology and pollution dispersion |
Evaluation | Continuous assessment: 40%; Exam: 60%. |