Department of Fundamental Education in Science and Technology |
Module: Organic chemistry
Lecturer | Abdelmadjid SELAIMIA |
Information |
Bachelor - Second Year : Chemical engineering
Department of Fundamental Education in Science and Technology Website : Semester : S4 Unit : UEF 2.2.1 Credit : 4 Coefficient: 2 |
Content | Chapter 1: General 3 weeks Study of the carbon atom and its bonds Functions and nomenclature of organic compounds: IUPAC ordinary, trivial, usual and systematic nomenclature Chapter2:Classificationoforganicfunctions2weeks Saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons (linear, branched), alkenes (preparation, reactivity), aromatic compounds (preparation, reactivity), alcohols, thiols, aldehydes (preparation, reactivity), ketones, carboxylic acids (preparation, reactivity). Chapter3:Notions of stereoisomerism4weeks Definition, Plane isomerism (definition), Function isomerism, Position isomerism, Tautomerism, geometric isomerism, Stereochemistry: definition, representation of molecules in space, configuration isomerism. Chapter4:Electron effects3weeks -Inductive effect: definition, Classification of inductive effects, Influence of the inductive effect on the acidity of a chemical compound, Influence of the inductive effect on the basicity of a chemical compound. Mesomeric effect: definition, conjugated systems and electron delocalisation. Classification of mesomeric effects, Influence of the mesomeric effect on the acidity of a chemical compound, Influence of the mesomeric effect on the basicity of an organic compound. Chapter 5: Major reactions in organic chemistry Reagents and reaction intermediates; Classification of reactions: Addition; Substitution; Elimination; Rearrangement; Elementary rules: Markovnikov, Zeitsev ; |
Evaluation | Continuous assessment: 40%; Final examination: 60%. |