Department of Electrical Engineering |
Module: Converter-machine Association
Lecturer | hesna aberkane |
Information |
Master - Automatique
Department of Electrical Engineering Website : Semester : S1 Unit : UEF 1.1.2 Credit : 4 Coefficient: 2 |
Content | Chapter 1: DC-AC converters - Uninterruptible power supply structures, - Principle of PWM converters (PWM) Chapter2: DC Motor: - Principle, structure and characteristics - Speed variation.. Chapter3: AC Motor: - Principle, structure and characteristics - Speed variation. Chapter 4: Association of converters - machines: - Torque and speed control, -Speed variators for synchronous machines -Speed variator for asynchronous machines Chapter5: Selection criteria and implementation of a variable speed drive. |
Evaluation | Contrôle continu: 40 % ; Examen: 60 %. Note TD= ( Micro-interrogation (80%) + Assiduité (20%)) |