Department of Ecology and Environment |
Module: Structure and Dynamics of Animal and Plant Populations
Lecturer | Djamila AYARI |
Information |
Master - Fundamental and Applied Ecology
Department of Ecology and Environment Website : Semester : S1 Unit : UEF1 Credit : 6 Coefficient: 3 |
Content | I- Population-Environment Systems A- Physicochemical and Biotic Properties of the Environment 1- Climatic and Physicochemical Conditions 2- Space 3- Food 4- Predators 5- Other Factors B- Individual Properties 1- Nutrition 2- Growth 3- Reproduction 4- Mobility 5- Defense against Predators 6- Competitive Abilities 7- Other Properties C- Demographic Processes 1- Natality 2- Mortality 3- Emigration 4- Immigration D- Population State Variables 1- Density 2- Spatial Distribution 3- Age Structure 4- Social Structure 5- Gene Frequencies E- Population Fluctuations, Limitation, and Regulation 1- Density-Dependent Regulation 2- Intraspecific Competition 3- Variability in Natural Populations 4- The Role of Population Diversity and Heterogeneity F- Methods for Assessing Demographic Parameters of Populations 1- Census 2- Individual Monitoring II- From Populations to Communities A- Concept of Community B- Quantitative Descriptors of Populations and Communities 1- Distribution Mode 2- Abundance 3- Richness 4- Diversity 5- Other Descriptors C- Community Structures and the Concept of Ecological Niche in Animals D- Phytogeographic Area Concept and Dispersal Strategies in Plants E- Interactions within Communities 1- Resources and Consumers 2- Predator-Prey Interactions 3- Interspecific Competition 4- Other Interspecific Interactions 5- Interactions within and between Plant Species (Competition, Facilitation) F- Interactions and Coevolution in Animals G- Adaptive Strategies of Organisms and Plant Populations H- Functional Strategies of Plant Populations (Grime\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Strategy) |
Evaluation | \"Knowledge Assessment Assessment (%) Final Exam 60 Tutorials 40 Practical Work ……… Total 100 Tutorials 100%: 50% Oral Presentations. 50% Mini-Tests.\" |