Department of Electrical Engineering |
Module: Industrial supervision
Lecturer | Atef BENHAOUES |
Information |
Master - Automatique
Department of Electrical Engineering Website : Semester : S3 Unit : UEM 2.1 Credit : 3 Coefficient: 2 |
Content | Practical work can be designed and developed by the teacher depending on the availability of hardware and software. TP1. Introduction to Siemens WinCC flexible (or TIA Portal) software TP2. Development and Implementation of a SCADA system to control the water level in a reservoir TP3. Development and Implementation of a SCADA system for a parking barrier: Establish the control of the motor used: Control of a direct current motor (PID) or a stepper motor or servomotor (PWM) in Ladder language, SCL, etc. Design a corresponding grafcet of the complete system Design a SCADA system (HMI, variables to use, etc.) Raise some security constraints and propose solutions…….. |
Evaluation | Contrôle continu: 40 % ; Examen: 60 |