Department of French Language |
Module: Reading and Text Analysis 3
Lecturer | selma abderrezag |
Information |
Bachelor - French Language
Department of French Language Website : Semester : S3 Unit : UEM 2.1 Credit : 4 Coefficient: 1 |
Content | 1. Definitions: What is a text (theory of?, What is a study (methodology) 2. Text and textuality: genres and types, What is textuality?, Notions of coherence, cohesion, progression and sequentiality. 3. Reading or comprehension levels: Comprehension, interpretation and their components. 4. Inferences: Definition, typology and functions in reading. 5. Author (intention)-Text (Explicit and implicit meaning)-Reader (knowledge encyclopedic books, reading experiences and linguistic, cultural skills, etc.) I. The narrative text: The wonderful tale 1. The four levels of reading: literal, interpretive, critical and creative 2. Author’s Intent, Meaning of the Text and Reader’s Interpretation. 3. Application to the text “The secret of the house” in the 4th year school book primary (1st generation) II. The injunctive text: The Call 1. Definition, genre and type 2. Issues of the call: Gender practice, felicity of discourse and analysis methodology. 3. The notion of relevance of Sperber and Wilson inspired by the maxims of Grice (Practical perspective). 4. The textual, the extratextual and the context 5. Application “Study of Abbé Pierre’s Call of February 1, 1954 on the airwaves from RTL Approach:1. Do some research online to determine if the Call is a success or failure and justify the result obtained. 2. Ask the question why? 3. Then study whether the speech is relevant to the situation and context, 4. The personality of Abbé Pierre; 5. Discourse analysis through the concept of relevance and the notion of sequentiality. III.The press article 1. Introduction to media discourse: The written press of information and opinion, the functions of the written press, the editorial line, the types of press articles, the structure of the article and the functions of its constituents, Writing techniques, Information and communication. 2. Identify the information (objectivity), the comment and the point of view (subjectivity), Analysis of press discourse 3. Application: Analysis of a press article. IV.The Fantastic News 1. Definitions: Introduction to the fantastic literature of Tzvestan Todorov, The fantastic and the marvelous, Emergence of the genre, Structure of the Short Story fantastic, analysis methodology. 2. Application: Analysis of a fantastic short story. |
Evaluation | 50% - 50% (Written exams and continuous Assessment) |