Department of French Language |
Module: Grammar of Language Study 3
Lecturer | Adlene RُEFAS |
Information |
Bachelor - French Language
Department of French Language Website : Semester : S3 Unit : UEF 2.1 Credit : 4 Coefficient: 2 |
Content | Teaching objectives Two objectives are sought. The first is to replace in the student\\\'s mind the conception school grammar, acquired during teaching cycles prior to university, by a scientific and theoretical conception. The second objective is to allow the student to be in direct contact with the facts, by handling a particular theoretical tool, which is here the grammar of Tesnière. The choice of this grammar was not made at random. First of all, this grammar does not oppose traditional grammar, which has prevailed until the beginning of the 20th century; then, it constitutes one of the first models which called on the formal logic, even before transformational grammars. In short, it constitutes a a sort of moment of transition between traditional grammar and modern grammars. Content of the material: 1. Methodology and basic concepts adopted within the framework of French grammar traditional; 2. The transition from traditional grammar, part of logic, to modern grammars, set of theories defined within the framework of modern linguistics; 3. Analysis of the simple sentence within the framework of Tesnière\\\'s grammar: the categories semantically full grammar; connections; grammatical functions in Tesnière system; valence; translation; the junction ; the development of a stemma. |
Evaluation | TD 50% control 50% |