Department of Computer Science |
Module: Algorithms and data structure 1
Lecturer | Noureddine GASMALLAH |
Information |
Bachelor - SC : Computer Science L1
Department of Computer Science Website : Semester : S1 Unit : UEF121 Credit : 6 Coefficient: 4 |
Content | Chapitre 1 : Introduction Description d\\\'un ordinateur Instructions de base d\\\'un ordinateur Différentes phases de résolution d\\\'un problème par ordinateur Chapitre 2 : algorithme Définition Caractéristiques d\\\'un algorithme Définition d\\\'une variable et ses caractéristiques Primitives de base: Action d\\\'affectation Actionconditionnelle Action alternative Actions de réPétition (Boucle tantque, rePeter, Pour ) Chapitre 3 : procédure et fonction Définitions Mode de passages de Paramètres Exemples Chapitre 4 : structures de données de base Tableau Matrice Type énuméré Ensemble |
Evaluation | Exam 60% TD + TP : 40% 12 pts a micro-interrogation or the average of the micro-interrogations if several. the tutor will reserve at the end of each chapter (chapter TD series) 1/4 hour for written evaluation or one session for all the chapters at once) - 06 points on the student\'s activities during the tutorial sessions (dynamics in the group): voluntary exit to the board for exercise solution, active participation in the solution i.e. moral presence. - 02 points on student\'s effective attendance at work (lateness, absence, etc.):. For Practical Session: 06 pts on continued work in resolving TPs. - 06 for the preparation of the requested Practical Work. - 08 pts in a mini-project on tables/files (designated by the TP teacher), the mark is forked into 05 pts for the resolution of the practical work and 03 pts for the correction of errors introduced in the code |