Department of Fundamental Education in Science and Technology |
Module: Lab Combinational and Sequential Logic
Lecturer | hassen kaddour |
Information |
Bachelor - Second Year : Electronic
Department of Fundamental Education in Science and Technology Website : Semester : S4 Unit : UEM 2.2 Credit : 2 Coefficient: 1 |
Content | Electrical and Electronic Measurements Lab: Lab #1: Resistance Measurement: Perform resistance measurements using the following 5 methods: volt-ammeter method, ohmmeter, Wheatstone bridge, comparison, and substitution. Compare these methods with each other and calculate the errors. Lab #2: Inductance Measurement: Perform inductance measurements using the following 3 methods: volt-ammeter method, Maxwell bridge, resonance. Compare these methods with each other and calculate the errors. Lab #3: Capacitance Measurement: Perform capacitance measurements using the following 3 methods: volt-ammeter method, Sauty bridge, resonance. Compare these methods with each other and calculate the errors. Lab #4: Phase Measurement: Perform phase measurements using the following 2 methods: phasemeter and oscilloscope. Lab #5: Single-phase Power Measurement: Perform power measurements for resistive loads using the following 5 methods: wattmeter, power factor meter, three voltmeters, three ammeters, power sensor. Compare these methods with each other and calculate the errors. Lab #6: Three-phase Power Measurement: Perform power measurements for resistive loads using the following methods: star and delta systems, balanced and unbalanced configurations. User translate: TP1 : Technologie des circuits intégrés TTL et CMOS. Appréhender et tester les différentes portes logiques TP2 : Simplification des équations logiques par la pratique Découvrir les règles de simplification des équations dans l’algèbre de Boole par la pratique TP3 : Etude et réalisation de fonctions logiques combinatoires usuelles Exemple : les circuits d’aiguillage (MUX, DMUX), les circuits de codage et de décodage, … TP4 : Etude et réalisation d’un circuit combinatoire arithmétique Réalisation d’un circuit additionneur et /ou soustracteur de 2 nombres binaires à 4 bits. TP5 : Etude et réalisation d’un circuit combinatoire logique Réalisation d’une fonction logique à l’aide de portes logiques. Exemple un afficheur à 7 segments et/ou un générateur du complément à 2 d’un nombre à 4 bits et/ou générateur du code de Gray à 4 bits, … TP6 : Etude et réalisation d’un circuit combinatoire logique Etude complète (Table de vérité, Simplification, Logigramme, Montage pratique et Essais) d’un circuit combinatoire à partir d’un cahier de charge. TP7 : Etude et réalisation de circuits compteurs Circuits compteurs asynchrones incomplets à l’aide de bascules, Circuits compteurs synchrones à cycle irrégulier à l’aide de bascules TP8 : Etude et réalisation de registres ChatGPT Lab #1: TTL and CMOS Integrated Circuit Technology. Understanding and testing different logic gates. Lab #2: Simplification of Logical Equations through Practice. Exploring the simplification rules of Boolean algebra through practical exercises. Lab #3: Study and Implementation of Common Combinational Logic Functions. Examples: Multiplexers (MUX), Demultiplexers (DMUX), encoding and decoding circuits, etc. Lab #4: Study and Implementation of an Arithmetic Combinational Circuit. Building a 4-bit binary adder and/or subtractor circuit. Lab #5: Study and Implementation of a Combinational Logic Circuit. Constructing a logic function using logic gates. Examples: 7-segment display driver and/or 4-bit two\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s complement generator and/or Gray code generator, etc. Lab #6: Study and Implementation of a Combinational Logic Circuit. Complete analysis (truth table, simplification, logic diagram, practical implementation, and testing) of a combinational circuit based on a given specification. Lab #7: Study and Implementation of Counter Circuits. Incomplete asynchronous counter circuits using flip-flops, irregular cycle synchronous counter circuits using flip-flops. Lab #8: Study and Implementation of Registers. |
Evaluation | Continuous: 100% |