Louiza KETFILecturerDepartment of Common Education in Natural and Life Sciences Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life University of Souk Ahras Souk Ahras , 41000. Algeria : l.ketfi@univ-soukahras.dz : https://www.univ-soukahras.dz/en/profile/lketfi |
Module | Level | Speciality | |
Biologie cellulaire et développement des plantes |
Master - S1 | Plant biology and environment | |
Changement climatique et biodiversité |
Master - S1 | Biodiversity and plant physiology | |
Conservation des ressources végétales |
Master - S2 | Biodiversity and plant physiology | |
Physiologie végétale |
Bachelor - S3 | Ecologie et Environnement-2 | |
Physiologie végétale |
Bachelor - S4 | Marin and Continental Hydrobiology -2 | |
Physiologie du stress |
Bachelor - S5 | Biology and Plant Physiology | |
Biologie de la reproduction |
Bachelor - S6 | Biology and Plant Physiology | |
Mémoire de fin d’étude |
Bachelor - S6 | Biology and Plant Physiology |
Publication List ( 1 )
Other Publications
[1] | Louiza KETFI (2016) Morphologie des végétaux supéieurs et adaptation & Gamétogénèse. Université de Souk Ahras , |