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أثر اعادة همدسة الاعمال في تحقيق المرونة الاستراتيجية بالمؤسسات الصناعية الناشطة بولاية سوق أهراس |
Meriem BOUKHADRA (2023) أثر اعادة همدسة الاعمال في تحقيق المرونة الاستراتيجية بالمؤسسات الصناعية الناشطة بولاية سوق أهراس. univ of souk ahras |

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The study aimed to shed light on the impact of business reengineering in achieving strategicflexibility in industrial enterprises in the Wilaya of Souk Ahras, in order to achieve this, itreliedonmeasuringbusinessre-engineeringasanindependentvariableonfourbasicdimensions:organizationalchange,proceduralchange,technologicalchange,andhumanchange,whileItadoptedfivedimensionstomeasurestrategicflexibility,whichare:organizationalstructureflexibility,processflexibility,informationflexibility,humanresourcesflexibility, andmarket flexibility.
The study included 8 active industrial enterprises in the Wilaya of Souk Ahras, and thequestionnaire was used as a tool for data collection, as 120 questionnaires were distributed ona sample of managers in these institutions and 90 questionnaires were retrieved for statisticalanalysis, and for the purpose of data processing, the Statistical Package for Social SciencesSPSS23program was used, in addition to the method of analyzing the partial least squares bythestatistical program SmartPLS3, the studyreachedanumberofresultsthat:
- The dimensions of business reengineering are widely available in the institutions understudy;
- The dimensions of strategic flexibility are to a large extent present in the institutions understudy;
- The existence of strong correlational relationships between business re-engineering in itsvarious dimensions (organizational, technological, human, and procedural) and the strategicflexibilityof theindustrial enterprises under study.
- Theimpactofbusinessre-engineering,withitsorganizationalandtechnologicaldimensions,in achievingstrategic flexibilityfortheinstitutions under study;
We also reached an amendment to the proposed model for the impact of the business re-engineeringdimensionson achievingstrategicflexibility.
The study concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important are: Working tospread and deepen awareness of the philosophy of business re-engineering within institutionsand the need to integrate it within the organization\'s culture due to its critical importance inresponding to external changes and competition challenges, including achieving strategicflexibility.
Keywords: business re-engineering, flexibility, strategic flexibility, industrial enterprises inSoukAhras
Item Type: | Thesis |
Divisions: |
» Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences |
ePrint ID: | 4462 |
Date Deposited: | 2023-10-11 |
Further Information: | Google Scholar |
URI: | |
title={أثر اعادة همدسة الاعمال في تحقيق المرونة الاستراتيجية بالمؤسسات الصناعية الناشطة بولاية سوق أهراس},
author={Meriem BOUKHADRA},
school={univ of souk ahras}
title={أثر اعادة همدسة الاعمال في تحقيق المرونة الاستراتيجية بالمؤسسات الصناعية الناشطة بولاية سوق أهراس},
author={Meriem BOUKHADRA},
school={univ of souk ahras}