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amel NAIT MARZOUG, Adel AYARI, Fadila KHALDI, Guehria Ines and Abdalhak Gheid (2023) Effect of Peganum harmala L. extract supplemented ISP2 medium on growth and production of secondary metabolites of Streptomyces ayarius S115.. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology , 64(), 34-41, Elsevier |
amel NAIT MARZOUG, Fadila KHALDI, Adel AYARI, Lynda ghali and Abdalhak Gheid (2022) Antioxidant and Anticholinesterase Effects of Methanol Extract, and Consecutive Fractions of Peganum harmala L.. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry , 66(6), 419-440, Egypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research |
Abdelkader DJOUAMAA, Boutabia Lamia, Adel AYARI, Mohcen MENAA, kaouther GUELLATI, Moundji TOUARFIA and Mohamed Cherif MAAZI (2022) ETHNOBOTANICAL SURVEY OF THE APIACEAE FAMILY SPECIES USED IN THE REGION OF SOUK-AHRAS (NORTHEASTERN ALGERIA). Plant Archives , 22(2), 143-151, Plant Archives |
Hana BOUZAHOUANE, Adel AYARI, Ines Guehria and Ouafa Riah (2021) PROPOLIS: ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION ANALYSIS. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences , 10(6), e3211, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences |
LABIOD Ryma (2016) Valorisation des huiles essentielles et des extraits de Satureja calamintha nepeta : activité antibactérienne, activité antioxydante et activité fongicide.. Université BADJI Mokhtar Annaba |
Ayari Adel, Houda Morakchi and Djamila Gacemi-Kirane (2016) Evaluation of antifungal activity of novel marine actinomycete, Streptomyces sp. AA13 isolated from sediments of Lake Oubeira (Algeria) against Candida albicans. African Journal of Microbiology Research , 10(6)(), 156-171, academic journals |
AYARI Adel, MORAKCHI Houda and GACEMI-KIRANE Djamila (2012) Identification and antifungal activity of Streptomyces sp. S72 isolated from Lake Oubeira sediments in North-East of Algeria.. African Journal of Biotechnology , |
MORAKCHI Houda, AYARI Adel, TAOK Mira, KIRANE Djamila and COCHET Nelly (2009) Characterization of Streptomyces strain SLO-105 isolated from Lake Oubeira sediments in North-East of Algeria.. African Journal of Biotechnology , |
AYARI Adel, BEAU Isabelle, BRUNET Jean Pierre, COTTE-LAFFITE Jackline, QUERO Anne Marie and SERVIN Alin (2009) Les conséquences de l’infection par le rotavirus sur l’adressage basolatéral des protéines dans les cellules épithéliales polarisées Caco-2.. Rev. Microbiol. Ind. San et Environn , |