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Hafed ZARZOURProfesseurDépartement d'Informatique Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie Université de Souk Ahras Souk Ahras , 41000. Algérie ![]() ![]() |
Matière | Niveau | Spécialité | |
Techniques de représentation de connaissances et raisonnement |
Master - S1 | Web et Intelligence Artificielle | |
Programmation Web et mobile avancée |
Master - S2 | Web et Intelligence Artificielle |
Publications Scientifiques ( 29 )
[1] | Hafed ZARZOUR and Mokhtar Sellami (2018) An investigation into whether learning performance can be improved by CAALDT. Innovations in Education and Teaching International , 55(6), 625-632, Taylor & Francis |
[2] | Hafed ZARZOUR and Mokhtar Sellami (2018) Effects of a linked data based annotation approach on students learning achievement and cognitive load. Interactive Learning Environments , 26(8), 1090-1099, Taylor & Francis |
[3] | Hafed ZARZOUR and Mokhtar Sellami (2017) A linked data-based collaborative annotation system for increasing learning achievements. Educational Technology Research and Development , 65(2), 381–397, Springer US |
Book Chapters
[1] | Hafed ZARZOUR (2022) Science Education in Algeria. Science Education in Countries Along the Belt & Road , Springer , ISBN : 978-981-16-6954-5 , |
[2] | Faiz Maazouzi and Hafed ZARZOUR (2021) AI-Driven Big Healthcare Analytics : Contributions and Challenges. Intelligent Analytics With Advanced Multi-Industry Applications , IGI Global , ISBN : 9781799849636 , |
[1] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Faiz Maazouzi, Mohammad Al-Zinati, Amjad Nusayr, Mohammad Alsmirat, Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub and Yaser Jararweh (2022) Using K-means Clustering Ensemble to Improve the Performance in Recommender Systems. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and Applications , San Antonio, TX, USA |
[2] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Mohammad Alsmirat and Yaser Jararweh (2022) Using Deep Learning for Positive Reviews Prediction in Explainable Recommendation Systems. IEEE 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems , |
[3] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Faiz Maazouzi, Mohammad Al–Zinati, Yaser Jararweh and Thar Baker (2021) An Efficient Recommender System Based on Collaborative Filtering Recommendation and Cluster Ensemble. IEEE 2021 Eighth International Conference on Social Network Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS) , Gandia, Spain |
[4] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Bashar Al shboul, Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub and Yaser Jararweh (2021) Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning Methods for Explainable Recommendations with Reviews. IEEE 12th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems , Valencia, Spain |
[5] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Bashar Al shboul, Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub and Yaser Jararweh (2020) A convolutional neural network-based reviews classification method for explainable recommendations. IEEE 2020 Seventh International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS) , Paris, France |
[6] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Yaser Jararweh, Mahmoud M. Hammad and Mohammed Al-Smadi (2020) A long short-term memory deep learning framework for explainable recommendation. IEEE 11th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems , Irbid -Jordan |
[7] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Yaser Jararweh and Ziad A. Al-Sharif (2020) An Effective Model-Based Trust Collaborative Filtering for Explainable Recommendations. IEEE 11th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems , Irbid -Jordan |
[8] | Mohamed SOLTANI, Hafed ZARZOUR, Mohamed Chaouki Babahenini, Mahmoud Hammad, Mohammad AL-Smadi and Yaser Jararweh (2019) An Emotional Feedback Based on Facial Action Coding System for MOOCs with Computer-Based Assessment. IEEE 2019 Sixth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS), , Granada, Spain |
[9] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Ziad A. Al-Sharif and Yaser Jararweh (2019) RecDNNing: a recommender system using deep neural network with user and item embeddings. IEEE 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS) , Irbid, Jordan |
[10] | Mohamed SOLTANI, Hafed ZARZOUR, Mohamed Chaouki Babahenini and Chaouki Chemam (2018) An Affective Tutoring System for Massive Open Online Courses. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT’18), Vol.1, Springer , Genoa , Italy & Hammamet, Tunisia |
[11] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Faiz Maazouzi, Mohamed SOLTANI and Chaouki Chemam (2018) An Improved Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm for Big Data. In: Amine A., Mouhoub M., Ait Mohamed O., Djebbar B. (eds) Computational Intelligence and Its Applications. CIIA 2018. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 522. Springer, Cham , Oran, Algeria |
[12] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Ziad Al-Sharif, Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub and Yaser Jararweh (2018) A new collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques. IEEE 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS) , Irbid, Jordan |
[13] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub and Yaser Jararweh (2018) Towards Social Collaborative Editing of Distributed Linked Data. IEEE 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS) , Irbid, Jordan |
[14] | Mohamed SOLTANI, Hafed ZARZOUR and Mohamed Chaouki Babahenini (2018) Facial Emotion Detection in Massive Open Online Courses. In: Rocha Á., Adeli H., Reis L.P., Costanzo S. (eds) Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST'18 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 745. Springer, Cham , Naples, Italy |
[15] | Tarek ABID, Mohamed Ridda Laouar, Hafed ZARZOUR and Mohamed Tarek Khadir (2016) Smart Cities Based on Web Semantic Technologies. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct, ACM , Heidelberg, Germany |
[16] | Tarek ABID, Hafed ZARZOUR, Mohamed Ridda LAOUAR and Mohamed Tarek KHADIR (2016) Towards a smart city ontology. 13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA'16 , Agadir, Morocco |
[17] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Lamia Berrezzek, Hafda Ghomrani, Tarek ABID and Mokhtar Sellami (2015) Consistency awareness in a distributed collaborative system for semantic stores. 12th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA’ 2015 , Marrakech, Morocco |
[18] | Hafed ZARZOUR and Mokhtar Sellami (2014) Using commutative replicated data type for collaborative video annotation. IEEE 4th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, ICMCS’14 , Marrakesh, Morocco |
[19] | Hafed ZARZOUR, Tarek ABID and Mokhtar Sellami (2014) Conflict-free collaborative decision-making over Mind-Mapping. IEEE 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, ACCT’14 , Rohtak, India |
[20] | Hafed ZARZOUR and Mokhtar Sellami (2014) Achieving consistency in collaborative image annotation systems. IEEE 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems, ICICS’14 , Irbid, Jordan |
[21] | Hafed ZARZOUR and Mokhtar Sellami (2013) p2pCoSU: A P2P Sparql/update for collaborative authoring of triple-stores. IEEE 11th International Symposium on Programming and Systems, ISPS’13 , Algiers, Algeria |
[22] | Hafed ZARZOUR and Mokhtar Sellami (2012) B-Set: a synchronization method for distributed semantic stores. IEEE International Conference on Complex Systems, ICCS'12 , Agadir, Morocco |
Other Publications
[1] | Hafed ZARZOUR (2022) Programmation Web et Mobile Avancée. Université de Souk Ahras , |
[2] | Hafed ZARZOUR (2016) Système d'exploitation2. Université de Souk Ahras , |