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Yassine DjebbarProfessorDepartment of Civil Engineering Faculty of Science and Technology University of Souk Ahras Souk Ahras , 41000. Algeria ![]() ![]() |
Publication List ( 21 )
[1] | Dounia MRAD, Sabri DAIRI, Sofiane BOUKHARI and Yassine Djebbar (2020) Applied multivariate analysis on annual rainfall in the northeast of Algeria. Journal of Water and Climate Change , 11(4), 1165–1176, IWA |
[2] | Dounia MRAD, Yassine Djebbar and Yahia Hamar (2018) Analysis of trend rainfall: Case of North-Eastern Algeria. JOURNAL OF WATER AND LAND DEVELOPMENT , 36 (I–III)(), 105-115, De Gruyter |
[3] | Sofiane BOUKHARI, Yassine Djebbar, Hocine Amarchi and Ali Sohani (2018) Application of the analytic hierarchy process to sustainability of water supply and sanitation services: the case of Algeria. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply , 18(4), 1282-1293, IWA Publishing |
[4] | Mohamed Amine Bensoltan, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Lakhdar Djemili, Abdalhak Gheid and Yassine Djebbar (2018) Enhancement of the free Residual Chlorine Concentration at the Ends of the Water Supply Network: Case Study of Souk Ahras City-Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development , 38(VII–IX), , DE GRUYTER |
[5] | Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Bouzian toufik, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Yassine Djebbar and Saliha BOURANENE (2017) Rainwater harvesting in Algeria: utilization and assessment of the physico-chemical quality Case study of Souk-Ahras region. Courrier du savoir , 23(Juin), 85-94 |
[6] | Dounia MRAD, Sabri DAIRI and Yassine Djebbar (2014) Rainfall - Rain off Modeling Using Artificial Neural Network. ScienceDirect , APCBEE Pro(), 251-256 |
[7] | Wassila KHOUALDIA, Yassine Djebbar and Hamar yahia (2014) Caractérisation de la variabilité climatique : cas du bassin versant de La Medjerda (Nord-Est algérien) |. Synthèse: Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie , Vol 29(2352-9717), 6-23, AJOL, Cellule Assurance Qualité CRSICT SNDL DOAJ ASJP SCOPUS |
[8] | Wassila KHOUALDIA, Yassine Djebbar and Yahia Hammar (2014) Caractérisation de la variabilité climatique : cas du bassin versant de La Medjerda (Nord-Est algérien). Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie, Synthèse Univ-Annaba , 29(), 6-23 |
Book Chapters
[1] | Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Yassine Djebbar (2018) How Does the Rainwater Harvesting Protect the Urban Areas Against Flooding?. Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions, Springer, Sham,P: 838-839 , Springer , ISBN : 978-3-319-70547-7 , |
[2] | A. Guedri, Yassine Djebbar, Moe. Khaleel and A. Zeghloul (2012) Structural Reliability Improvement Using In-Service Inspection for Intergranular Stress Corrosion of Large Stainless Steel Piping. Applied Fracture Mechanics , InTech, DOI: 10.5772/48521. , ISBN : 978-953-51 , |
[1] | Abdelkrim GUEBAIL, Lotfi ZEGHADNIA and Yassine Djebbar (2017) Récupération des eaux de pluie, quel type de cuve appropriée pour le stockage des eaux récoltées ?. 3ème colloque international Francophone en Environnement et Santé : 23, 24 et 25 octobre , Dunkerque, France |
[2] | Lotfi ZEGHADNIA, Sabri DAIRI, Abdelkrim GUEBAIL and Yassine Djebbar (2016) Design Method for High Efficiency of Flow in Circular Pipes. 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation , ATHENS, GREECE 14-16 September 2016 |
[3] | Abdelkarim Guebail, Toufik bouzian, Sofiane BOUKHARI, Yassine Djebbar and Lotfi ZEGHADNIA (2016) AN OVERVIEW ON THE QUALITY STORED WATER HARVESTING FROM THE HOUSES ROOFS. The 2nd ICIEM 2016, International Conference on Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable , Tunisie |
[4] | Dounia MRAD, Yassine Djebbar, Abida Habib and Sabri DAIRI (2015) Detection of trends and changes in monthly maximum daily rainfall in North Eastern Algeria. CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR L’HYDROLOGIE DES GRANDS BASSINS FLUVIAUX DE L’AFRIQUE , Hammamet-Tunisie |
[5] | Dounia MRAD, Sabri DAIRI and Yassine Djebbar (2013) IMPACT OF CLIMATIC VARIABILITY ON THE WATER RESOURCES IN THE CATCHMENT SEYBOUSE. Seventeenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC17 , Istanbul |
[6] | Sabri DAIRI, Dounia MRAD, Yassine Djebbar and Y. Hammar (2013) LA VALORISATION DES EAUX USEES EPUREES DANS LA VALLEE DE MEDJERDA. association sientifique et technique pour l'eau et l'environnement /astee , Paris |
[7] | Sofiane BOUKHARI and Yassine Djebbar (2011) Les services d'eau potable et d'assainissement face aux exigences du développement durable, cas de la ville de Souk-Ahras. Séminaire d’Echange International « Aux Interfaces du Développement Durable » , Bejaïa |
[8] | Sofiane BOUKHARI, Yassine Djebbar and Hassoun Nadjar Nizar (2010) LA GESTION DURABLE DES SERVICES D’EAU ET D’ASSAINISSEMENT « CAS DE LA VILLE DE SOUK-AHRAS ». 1er Colloque International de l’eau – CIEAU 2010 , Univ-Annaba |
[9] | A. Guedri, S. Tlili, Yassine Djebbar and B. Merzoug (2009) Reliability analysis of low alloy ferritic piping steels, B- Effect of both pre-service and in-service inspections. CAM2009, 16-19 Novembre2009 , BISKRA-Algérie |
[10] | A. Guedri, S. Tlili, Yassine Djebbar and B. Merzoug (2009) Reliability analysis of low alloy ferritic piping steels, A- Baseline case. CAM2009, 16-19 Novembre2009 , Biskra- Algérie |
[11] | Sofiane BOUKHARI, Yassine Djebbar and Habib Abida (2008) Juste prix de l'eau potable pour une gestion durable des ressources en eau en Algérie. COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL « TERRE & EAU 2008 » , Univ-Annaba |