Department of Process Engineering |
chemical engineering - Master
Head of Speciality :
Head of Field : Houria GHODBANE
Head of Domain : Sabrina AOUAOUDA
Semester 1
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
UEF 1.1.1 |
Unit operations I (distillation, sol-liquid extraction, blending) |
UEF 1.1.1 |
Porous and dispersed media |
UEF 1.1.2 |
Applied thermodynamics |
UEF 1.1.2 |
Heat exchangers |
UEM 1.1 |
TP Unitary operations I |
UEM 1.1 |
Process engineering simulators |
UEM1.1 |
PT porous and dispersed media |
UEM1.1 |
PT Heat exchangers |
UET1.1 |
Technical English & Terminology |
Semester 2
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
UED 1.1 |
green chemistry and sonochemistry |
UED 1.2 |
Renewable energy |
UEF 1.2.1 |
Unit operations 2 (Humidification-Drying-Evaporation-Crystallisation) |
UEF 1.2.1 |
Adsorption processes and membrane separation |
UEF 1.2.2 |
Reaction engineering I: non-ideal reactors and bioreactors |
UEF 1.2.2 |
Ovens and boilers |
UEM 1.2 |
Numerical Analysis |
UEM 1.2 |
PT Unit operations 2 |
UEM 1.2 |
PT Reaction engineering |
UEM 1.2 |
PT adsorption and membrane separation processes |
UET 1.2 |
Respect for the norms and rules of ethics and integrity. |
Semester 3
Unit | Module | Credit | Coefficient |
UED 2.1 |
Industrial risks and natural disasters |
UED 2.1 |
Environmental management |
UEF 2.1.1 |
foundations of process engineering modelling |
UEF 2.1.1 |
Optimisation methods in process engineering. |
UEF 2.1.1 |
Distillation |
UEF 2.1.2 |
Refining and Petrochemical Processes |
UEF 2.1.2. |
Reaction engineering II: Polyphase reactors |
UEF 2.1.3 |
Process intensification |
UEM 2.1 |
Regulation and control of processes |
UEM 2.1 |
Experiments Design |
UEM 2.1 |
TP Refining and petrochemical processes |
UET 2.1 |
Documentary research and conception for the dissertation |