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Abderrahmane BOUAOUICHProfessorDepartment of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences University of Souk Ahras Souk Ahras , 41000. Algeria ![]() ![]() |
Module | Level | Speciality | |
Physiologie Animale Appliquée |
Master - S1 | Animal Production | |
Biologie Animale 1 |
- S1 | Agronomy Science Engineer | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Agroecology | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Plant biology and environment | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Applied Biochemistry | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Fundamental and Applied Ecology | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Animal ecotoxicology | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Aquatic Ecosystems | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Animal Production | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Aquaculture | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Microbiology | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Biodiversity and plant physiology | |
Législation |
Master - S2 | Animal ecophysiology | |
Physiologie animale |
Bachelor - S3 | Agronomy Sciences | |
Ethique et Déontologie Universitaire |
Bachelor - S3 | Agronomy Sciences | |
réglementation Et Législation |
Bachelor - S6 | Agriculture and environment |
Publication List ( 12 )
[1] | BOUAOUICHE ABDERRAHMENE and BOULAKOUD MOHAMED SALAH (2017) STUDY AND MELANOCYTE ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC EFFECTS ON SUGAR METABOLISM AND IMMUNE RESPONSE IN RABBITS, ORYCTOLAGUS CUNICULUS. Best Journals : International Journal of Humanities, Arts, Medicine and Sciences (BEST: IJHAMS) , 4(10), 109-120, Thomson Reuters' RESEARCHERID indexed http://www.researcherid.c om/rid/F-9906-2015 |
[2] | بوعويش عبد الرحمان and و بولعقود محمد الصالح (2010) تأثير الفترة الضوئية،هرمون البرولاكتين على دورة التكاثر عند طيور الحمام الأهلي Columba livia domestica. EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY , Volume 9,N(1687-1146), 131-145, Socity of Physiological Sciences and Their Applications |
[3] | Abderrahmene Bouaouiche, Boulakoud Med Salah and Cherif Abdennour (2009) Influence of Photoperiod and Prolactin on Reproductive Pigeons Columba Livia Domestica. European Journal of Scientific Research , 36 No.2 (2(ISSN 1450-216X), pp.280-284, EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2009 |
[4] | A. Bouaouiche and M. S. Boulakoud (2009) THE PHOTOPERIODIC AND HORMONAL REGULATION OF REPRODUCTION IN THE PIGEON Columba livia domestica. Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences , 2(4), 2009(ISSN 1943-2429), 01-13, Ozean Publication |
[1] | BOUGUERCHE FAIZA, BOUAOUICHE ABDERRAHMENE and BELAHCENE NABIHA (2019) EFFET DES EXTRAITS DU FIGUIER DE BARBARIE (OPTUNTIA FICUS-INDICA) SUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DES LAPINS ORYCTOLAGUS CUNICULUS. VIIème congrès International de l’association Tunisienne de Biotechnologie et Valorisation des Bio-Ressources (AT-BVBR) organise son congrès international qui se déroulera du 20 au 23 Mars 2019 à l’hôtel Thabraca- Tabarka, TUNISIE. , Thabraca- Tabarka, TUNISIE |
[2] | A. BOUAOUICHE and A. HEBILI (2019) GESTION DE LA PERFORMANCE ET LA REPRODUCTION CHEZ LA VACHE LAITÉIRE DANS DEUX FERME TIDJANI LAID ET YOUSFI TAYEB WILAYA DE SOUK-AHRAS ALGERIA. 30ème Congrès international des Sciences Biologiques et de Biotechnologie , Hôtel El-Mouradi Palace, Sousse – Tunisia |
[3] | MAHIAOUI Houda, BOUAOUICH Abderrahmene, KRIM Meriem and BELAHCENE Nabiha (2019) Caractérisation phytochimique et propriété antioxydante des céréales (agroalimentaire) dans le tube digestif des rats. 1er Séminaire National de nutrition et santé (SNNS1) , Université HASSIBA BENBOUALI Chlef Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie |
[4] | BOUGUERCHE Faiza, BOUAOUICHE Abderrahmene and BELHACENE Nabila (2019) ACTIVITE ANTIOXYDANTE DU FIGUIER DE BARBARIE (Opuntia ficus-indica). National Seminar of Biodiversity, Medical Biology and Environmental Ecotoxicology University of Skikda Faculty of Sciences Department of Natural Sciences and Life , University of Skikda Faculty of Sciences Department of Natural Sciences and Life |
[5] | A. Bouaouiche and M. S. Boulakoud (2015) Study and Melanocyte Adrenocorticotropic Effects on Sugar Metabolism and Immune Response in Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus. ICADS 2015 : 17th International Conference on Animal and Dairy Sciences , Berlin, Germany May 21 - 22, 2015 |
Other Publications
[1] | Abderrahmane BOUAOUICH (2024) Législation. Université de Souk Ahras , |
[2] | Abderrahmane BOUAOUICH (2021) AGRONOMIE II : Partie Animal. Université de Souk Ahras , |
[3] | Abderrahmane BOUAOUICH (2016) PHYSIOLOGIE ANIMALE. Université de Souk Ahras , |