Research Lab Publications
[1] | Yacine SAHRAOUI (2025) Fiabilité. polycopié de cours , |
[2] | Yacine Sahraoui, Mourad Nahal and Alaa Chateauneuf (2024) Optimal Inspection Planning for Corroded Pipelines Considering Repair Decision Error. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice , 15(2), , American Society of Civil Engineers |
[3] | Khalil Abdi, Yacine Sahraoui, Nabil Kebaili and Mourad Nahal (2024) Self-Compacting Concrete Durability Assessment via Fuzzy-Logic and Bayesian Networks. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering , (), 1-21, Springer International Publishing |
[4] | Bilal Zerouali, Yacine Sahraoui, Mourad Nahal and Alaa Chateauneuf (2024) Reliability-based maintenance optimization of long-distance oil and gas transmission pipeline networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety , 249(), , Elsevier |
[5] | Arnaud Nanfak, Abdelmoumene Hechifa, Samuel Eke, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Charles Hubert Kom and Sherif SM Ghoneim (2024) A combined technique for power transformer fault diagnosis based on k‐means clustering and support vector machine. IET Nanodielectrics , 7(3), 175-187, IET The Institution of Engineering and Technology |
[6] | Abdelmoumene Hechifa, Chouaib Labiod, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Arnaud Nanfak and Diaa-Eldin A Mansour (2024) A Novel Graphical Method for Interpretating Dissolved Gases and Fault Diagnosis in Power Transformer Based on Dynamique Axes in Circular Form. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery , 39(6), 3186 - 3198, IEEE |
[7] | Abdelmoumene Hechifa, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Arnaud Nanfak, Lotfi Saidi and Chouaib Labiod (2024) MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS FUSION BASED ON DGA DATA FOR IMPROVING FAULT DIAGNOSIS OF ELECTRICAL POWER TRANSFORMER. The Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty , 49(02), 1-11, De Gruyter, Sciendo |
[8] | Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Lotfi Saidi, Abdelmoumene Hechifa and Arnaud Nanfak (2024) A Methodology for Operational Fault Diagnosis in Electrical Power Transformer: Practical Application. Green Energy and Technology , Springer , ISBN : 978-981-97-6148-7 , |
[9] | Abdelmoumene Hechifa, Saurabh Dutta, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Hazlee Azil Illias, Arnaud Nanfak and Chouaib Labiod (2024) Enhancing power transformer health assessment through dimensional reduction and ensemble approaches in Dissolved Gas Analysis. IET Nanodielectrics , (), , Wiley |
[10] | Abdelaziz LAKEHAL and Farouk Mahfoudi (2023) Structural failures diagnosis in water networks Based on conditional probability theory. 10thINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , ANTALYA-TURKEY |
[11] | Abdelmoumene Hechifa, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Chouaib Labiod and Ridha Kelaiaia (2023) Improving The Fault Diagnosis Of Oil-Filled Transformers Based On Feature Selection Of Multiple Input Vectors. Journée d’étude sur l’intelligence artificielle en électromécanique et ses applications industrielles (JEIAM’23) , El Oued, Algeria |
[12] | Abdelmoumene Hechifa, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Chouaib Labiod, Arnaud Nanfak, Diaa-Eldin A. Mansour and Djaballah Said (2023) The effect of Source Data on Graphical Pentagons DGA Methods for Detecting Incipient Faults in Power Transformers. The 2023 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA 23) , Annaba, Algeria |
[13] | Abdelmoumene Hechifa, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Arnaud Nanfak, Lotfi Saidi, Chouaib Labiod, Ridha Kelaiaia and Sherif S. M. Ghoneim (2023) Improved intelligent methods for power transformer fault diagnosis based on tree ensemble learning and multiple feature vector analysis. Electrical Engineering , press), , Springer |
[14] | Atef BENHAOUES, Rabehi Abdelhalim, Souahlia Abdelkerim and Nouri Nabil (2023) Low-complexity architecture for Cognitive radio. 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Energy and Measurement (IC2EM 2023) , University Yahia Fares of Medea |
[15] | Touil Toufik and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2023) Centrifugal Compressor Maintenance Using Fault Tree and a Bayesian Network Methods for System Reliability Analysis and Dependability. The 2023 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA\\\'23) , Annaba, Algeria |
[16] | Hamza DJIZI (2023) Design, Modeling and Control of a Drone. univ of souk ahras |
[17] | Nahal mourad, Sahraoui yacine, Khelif rabia and Chateauneuf Alaa (2023) Reliability analysis of irregular zones in pipelines under both effects of corrosion and residual stress. Engineering Failure Analysis , 117(9), 177-188, Elsevier |
[18] | sahraoui yacine, Nahal mourad and chateauneuf Alaa (2023) Gestion de l\'intégrité des pipelines enterrés basée sur la fiabilité sous l\'effet combiné de l’encrassement et les pertes de métal. les journées de fiabilité des matériaux et structures, JFMS, , La rochelle, France |
[19] | Toufik TOUIL and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2023) Electrical Power Generator Faults Analysis Using Fault Tree and Bayesian Network. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Electrical and Mechanical Engineering , 15(), 45-59, De Gruyter, Sciendo |
[20] | Toufik TOUIL and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2023) Analysis and Diagnosis of Control and Protection System of Gas Turbine Using the Fault Tree and Bayesian Network. Fourth International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICTAEE’23.) , Skikda University |
[21] | Abdelmoumene Hechifa, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL, Lotfi Saidi, Arnaud Nanfak, Ridha Kelaiaia and Mohammed El AmineSenoussaoui (2023) Improvement of Transformer Fault Diagnosis using Fuzzy Rule and Decision Tree Based on Dissolved Gas Analysis. 2023 1st International Conference on Renewable Solutions for Ecosystems: Towards a Sustainable Energy Transition (ICRSEtoSET) , Djelfa,Algeria |
[22] | Hamza Djizi, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL and Zoubir ZAHZOUH (2023) A Quadrotor Controlled in Real Time Using Hand Gestures and ROS2 Multi-Node Communication within GAZEBO 3D Environment. International Journal of Automation and Control , (), , Inderscience Enterprises, Ltd |
[23] | Hamza Djizi, Zoubir ZAHZOUH and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2023) Quadcopter Prototype Stability Analysis Using Matlab Simscape Library. The Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty , 22(02), 38-43, De Gruyter, Sciendo |
[24] | Nahal mourad, sahraoui yacine and Alaa chateauneuf (2023) System reliability of corroded pipelines considering spatial and stochastic dependency in irregular zones. Gas Science and Engineering , 117(), , Elsevier |
[25] | Moumeni Chaouki, Nahal Mourad and Sahraoui Yacine (2022) L’intégration D’une Approche D’aide À La Décision Multicritères Pour La Hiérarchisation Des Risques D’une Installation De Pipes.. 2éme SEMINAIRE NATIONAL DE GENIE CIVIL , Université Mohamed Chérif Messaadia, Souk-Ahras |
[26] | Karim NESSAIB and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2022) CONVEYOR BELT FAULTS DIAGNOSIS USING BAYESIAN NETWORK. The 4th International Conference on Electromechanical Engineering (ICEE2022) , Skikda University |
[27] | ToufikTOUIL and Abdelaziz LAKEHAL (2022) Probabilistic Failure Analysis ofElectrical Generator UsingFault Tree and Bayesian Network. The 4th International Conference on Electromechanical Engineering (ICEE2022) , Skikda University |
[28] | Abdelmoumene HECHIFA, Abdelaziz LAKEHAL and Ridha KELAIAIA (2022) Diagnostics of Power Transformer Faults Using Prediction Fusion of Neural Network (MLP) with Naïve Bayes Algorithm Based on DGA Data. The 4th International Conference on Electromechanical Engineering (ICEE2022) , Skikda University |
[29] | Nahal Mourad and Khelif rabia (2021) A finite element model for estimating time-dependent reliability of a corroded pipeline elbow. International journal of structural integrity , 12(2), 306-321, Emerald Publishing Limited |
[30] | Chaouki Moumeni, Kamel Tadjine, Hamid Hamadache and Mourad Nahal2 (2020) MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION SUPPORT OF PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT. Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology , 28 (5)(010072), 1-9 |