Centre des Publications Scientifiques |
Publications par Type - Master
Chaima BELOUCIF (2024) Exploring Teachers´ and Students´ Perceptions of Assessment Forms Used in Lecturing Case of Master One Students at the Department of English, Mohammed Cherif Messaadia University, Souk Ahras. University of Souk Ahras |
Djihane BENDJEBBAR (2024) Exploring the Effectiveness of Competency-Based Approach in Algerian Middle Schools Writing Instruction: Case of Fourth Year Middle School Teachers. University of Souk Ahras |
Sahar BENDJEBBAR (2024) Examining Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions towards the E-Learning Platform at Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University, Souk-Ahras A Case Study of Third Year EFL Students. University of Souk Ahras |
ANTRI Chaima (2024) An Evaluation of the Third Year Primary School Text-Book “My Book of English. University of Souk Ahras |
Randa HANGOUF (2024) Exploring the Importance of Oral Presentations in Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skills in EFL Classes The Case Study of First Year Students at Souk-Ahras University. University of Souk Ahras |
Hadjer SAOULA (2024) Investigating the Impact of Interactive Speaking Activities on EFL Learners’ Fluency and Accuracy The Case of First-Year LMD Students of English at Souk-Ahras University.. University of Souk Ahras |
Rayane TERRAB (2024) EFL Learners\' Perceptions of Feedback Types on Oral Tasks: Corrective Feedback vs. Praise. The Case of First-Year Bachelor Students of English at the University of Souk-Ahras.. University of Souk Ahras |
Fatima DEHIMI (2024) Exploring Teachers’ Perspectives and Practices in Inclusive Education: The Case of Algerian University EFL Teachers. |
Hana CHABIA (2024) EFL Teachers’ Perspectives on the Interference of the Mother Tongue in Teaching Oral Skills The Case of First Year Students of English at Souk-Ahras University. University of Souk Ahras |
BEDAIRIARayene (2024) Investigating the Emotional and Social Factors, Affecting Motivation, Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy. The Case of Second Year Students at 18 February Secondary School in Merahna Souk-Ahras .. University of Souk Ahras |
Salma KELIOUS (2024) Investigating the Impact of Teachers’ Enthusiasm on EFL Learners’ Engagement Case of Third Year LMD Students of Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University, Souk-Ahras. University of Souk Ahras |
Zaki NEBILI Mohamed (2024) EFL Students’ Perceptions of Teachers’ Feedback in Lowering their Speaking Anxiety The Case of Second Year LMD Students of English at Souk-Ahras University. University of Souk Ahras |
عبيدي عبد الرزاق و ماضي عبد الله (2024) أساليب الضبط الإداري بين الشريعة و القانون -دراسة مقارنة. جامعة سوق أهراس |
رجايبية حسام و قهرية أسماء (2024) منازعات الملكية العقارية الخاصة في التشريع الجزائري. جامعة سوق أهراس |
Ranim Zaher El Youm BENMAKHLOUF (2024) Content Analysis and Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Ministerial English Diagnostic Tests Case of the Newly Recruited Teachers at Souk Ahras University. University of Souk Ahras |
Manel BEN AOUADJ (2024) Testing the Effect of Using English Vocabulary Profile Platform on the Improvement of EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Case of First year LMD Students of Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University, Souk-Ahras. University of Souk Ahras |
عوادي علاء الدين و عور صبري (2024) الجباية وأثرها على المشاريع الاستثمارية في الجزائر. جامعة سوق أهراس |
نايلي منية و كبير عبد الوهاب (2024) المسؤولية القانونية عن العقد السياحي بعد التعديل. جامعة سوق أهراس |
غنام غادة و عجال عيدة (2024) دور البصمة الوراثية في الاثبات الجنائي. جامعة سوق أهراس |
خمري عبد الرؤوف و معوش صبري (2024) السلطة التنظيمية للسلطات الادارية المستقلة-دراسة مقارنة (الجزائر، فرنسا). جامعة سوق أهراس |
Kaouther BENDJABALLAH (2024) The Effect of Grammatical Interference on Students Translation From Arabic to English The Case of Third Year Students of English at Mohamed-Cherif Messaadia University, Souk Ahras. University of Souk Ahras |
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